Save Red Cedar - Ella

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Ella Sacket is a Red Cedar parent and former Spartan Village resident. East Lansing Public Schools states that their mission is to nurture each child, educate all students, and build world citizens. Yet, Red Cedar Elementary, the only elementary school serving the south end of the district is targeted for closure. The United State's Office of Civil Rights is investigating ELPS. The decision to close Red Cedar was made in the face of strong data indicating that it is NOT the wisest choice going forward. Red Cedar is the districts one working model of multicultural and anti-bias values in practice -- Red Cedar is a high-performing school. How was the decision made to close this school? Was there any concern that students of color would be disproportionately disadvantaged? What is the ELPS school district's ACTUAL mission with this decision? Here's what Ella has to say about saving Red Cedar Elementary.
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