My Opinion on this Cycling Clip From 'X'

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Many people have asked me my opinion on this clip posted by @EnemyCoastAhead on 'X' As normal, both parties had a large contribution.

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To everyone that is saying things like “The cycle lane ended so the cyclist no longer had priority” or “The cyclist shouldn’t be undertaking on the left, it’s illegal”, a gentle reminder of rule 211 from the “Road users requiring extra care” section in the Highway Code

“When turning right across a line of slow-moving or stationary traffic, look out for and give way to cyclists or motorcyclists on the inside of the traffic you are crossing”

The cyclist was permitted to filter on the left of the vehicles although should’ve been doing so more carefully and with more attention. The same carefulness and attention should hve been given by the driver turning

Take care out there everyone


A fair assessment in my opinion. When I cycled more frequently I was always more cautious at junctions for this very reason. I'd rather be right and uninjured.


As a cyclist I would have slowed and been constantly looking around, alerted by the stationary traffic, he was riding like he was on a quiet country road.


Always slow down and expect the unexpected when passing slow or stationary traffic. I live by this rule on my motorbike, if cars are slowing down I increase my awareness of the surroundings


Highway code states: "Cyclists may pass slower moving or stationary traffic on their right or left and should proceed with caution as the driver may not be able to see you. Be careful about doing so, particularly on the approach to junctions, and especially when deciding whether it is safe to pass lorries or other large vehicles"
The cyclist in this case was not "careful" and Ashleys view is correct!


It all depends on whether we want to point fingers or learn. Legally, yes, car driver takes the blame, but if ever there was a case of 'you can be in the right all you want from a hospital bed', this is it. I wonder if the stopped car flashed its lights... another of those annoying lessons.


I saw this clip come up and commented that all three road users could’ve done better. A beep from the stationary car, slower turn from the driver turning and more awareness from the cyclist but ultimately the driver “at fault” if we are to play the blame game

For some reason my comment no longer appears on the post 🤷🏻‍♂️


Spot on as always! As a motorcyclist and cyclist and serial traffic filterer of 50years, my head would have been screaming at me “Why has that car not moved on, what could be fitting into that gap, what could hit me !!!”. Lastly, and especially if that was a regular route, I would have been looking out for vehicles waiting to turn in and out of the junction.


A classic example of a matra I repeatedly tell other road users, be it cyclists, motorcyclists or drivers: "Just because it wasn't your fault, doesnt mean you couldn't have avoided it"


"if traffic is stopping for no apparent reason, there's probably a reason." I agree both were negligent, and if the cyclist hadn't distracted himself with his water bottle at the critical time, he probably would have handily avoided the crash.


As an ardent cyclist in towns I can assure you the cyclist was negligent as self preservation is paramount! Certainly he could easily have avoided this accident!


Last year I got back on a motor bike again for the 1st time in 40 years, I been using it around town so have been filtering between traffic to get through the congestion,
I am hyper aware of my vulnerability so every time I filter my eyes are wide and glued to the visor looking out in all directions for exactly this scenario.
I am constantly amazed by the amount of moped and cyclists I see that recklessly bomb past me through traffic in utter abandon.
[having spent the last 40 years in a car you see people do idiotic things all the time, but to see them do it along side you when you yourself are on a bike too is extremely alarming]


Just back from my bike ride. There is a time and a place to take a drink, that wasn't it. There are to many people who let there minds go elsewhere when they are driving. I keep that thought in my head when i am out on my bike.


I almost got wiped out on my bike when on a roundabout the other day - the reason I didn't is because I was paying attention to the cars around me and realised a taxi wasn't going to give me priority, so I swerved in plenty of time. I would never ride inattentively in such's just asking for trouble!


One thing to remember when on the road in or on anything; physics doesn't care if it's your right of way!

Good point about where he chose to hydrate, I also suspect his concern over his Strava time had something to do with this too.

It really amazes me how many people are lacking basic survival skills or just don't care about safety.


The location is near Hampton Court Palace, and the "systems safety" approach would be to prevent Right Turns at that point - as was the case up to 2017 or so by a hatched markings on the corner with a solid "do NOT enter" surround.

So the car turning right was forced to go 50m further and do a circuit of a roundabout, returning down the other side and turning left, rather than doing a right turn on a corner unsighted when traffic is queueing.

I'd suggest there should be a centre median at the bend to make the right turn manoeuvre impossible.


You could also add on the potential scenario of the Tesla (I think it is) waving the Mini driver over and the Mini driver just taking that as all clear to go. See it all the time.


Taking fluids on is important but choosing when to do it is even more so, and I certainly wouldn't do it while filtering past stationary, or even slow moving, traffic with junctions in close proximity - nothing good, as in this case, comes from it.


First rule when filtering past cars on the left is to make sure you can see them at all times. If you cant consider filtering on the right. If cant proceed with caution and be ready to stop and dont drink before the junction wait till after


I would have to ask, would the car driver have done the same if there were two lanes for cars? car drivers tend to only see and account for other motorised vehicles.
