23 yrs as an ICU/ Haemodialysis nurse in US(MayoClinic) /UK (Royal London Hospital) now retired . Currently a lawyer and bussinessman at age 48 in Philippines.. nursing "sometimes"
Wow ! You’re doing great. I got a 30 y/o son hehehe
Hi, i've finally decided to educate myself until i'm a Nurse Practitioner here in the Philippines. My cousin is a nurse in the US (but she graduated highschool and college in the US) so if possible i want to work there too. The only worry that I have is whether or not it will be a safe career by 2031.
My plan is to: (1) Graduate Nursing school and pass the licensure exam; (2) Go straight to my Masteral for 2 years; (3) Have 2 years worth of work experience in the Philippines (please tell me if this number is sufficient as a nurse practitioner); (4) Land an application for a job and fulfill the requirements to work in the US (or the other way around)
Please enlighten me Shane. Is it better to be a Nurse graduate in my case rather than a Nurse Practitoner? Is it better to do my Masteral there in the US? I know you can't magically control the processes in the world but please tell me some part of my odds in the safety of the career there in the US. I'm an upcoming Senior in HS and it would truly lift a huge burden off of me if you spare a word or two.