Powercreep in Yugioh | Power of the Elements Was a Mistake

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Justin breaks down the current issue's with the most recent yugioh sets in the current tier zero format.

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We can officially say now that Zoodiac isn't the best deck anymore.

All it took was making That Grass Looks Greener its own archetype.


I think the Tear Era of Yugioh is really interesting design wise. I think Konami has heard enough people both casual and competitive about turns exclusively being either board building or board breaking and that dynamic not feeling fun when you're sitting there for 10 minutes waiting for a specific choke point to use your hand trap on.

So their solution is to just make decks that play on both turns. Problem is, Tear is one of a very few amount of new decks that can do this and is frustrating to play against with any other deck designed with the old paradigm.

Compare Tear to the other archetype in POTE, Spright. Spright still very much plays the traditional Post Modern Yugioh game of board building with a decent amount of interaction on your turn. Just without as many obvious choke points. The closest thing Tear has to choke points are the fuses of mills. But those are hardly "choke points" compared to what decks have had in the past.

A combined lack of restrictions with a new design paradigm with barely any decks that play like this and the result is this disaster of a Tier 0 format.


It feels just like yesterday people were ripping their hair out over adamancipator virtual world and lyrilusc


One of my biggest beef with modern Yugioh is: a lot of decks that seem to have interesting playstyles and interactions (like Vaylantz cards doing with the moving cards) tend to be shafted because their end product isn’t strong enough and consistent enough for modern day Yugioh.


This is why I only play old formats like Edison and hat now. The current game is a train wreck due to the obscene power creep and it basically needs a hard reset at this point.


You bring up an interesting point with the design philosophy I just hope they can figure out how to balance the game with this new philosophy of "generic juice". These past couple of formats have been some of the most fun I've had in this game in a very long time and if the game changes from unbreakable pseudoftk to an irl version of LoR where the only difference between turns is who's getting to attack I'd be all for it.


I think people are mistaking interactive with just hijacking your turn...only way tear is interactive is in a mirror match otherwise they hijack your turn and pre break your board during your turn...


Old top tier decks: I just draw these two particular cards in order to combo, plus anything else for extra stuff.
Today Yu-Gi-Oh: I drew any monster or spell in my archtype I have full combo
Also yes, we should be moving in the direction of powerful archetype cards with restrictions.


This video is probably the best meta-anaylsis (and I mean analytically) that I've ever seen and I love banlist theory videos. I think I agree with a lot of your insights on the history and rhythm of the game and really appreciated you gathering the info and graphizing it in such a clean way.

For some reason I feel like Tear, Kashtari and Bystial were all planned years in advance. The folks that work at the card design level at Konami have lived and breathed Yugi's journey for 20 years. If you don't believe me, listen to Mchale's commentary during matches and his little tibbits of what they actually do at Konami. They do actually test cards and with people who have played competitively in the past. They're extremely well aware of what they're doing to the game and it's one thing I find so intriguing about the game theory behind yugioh. So if they're aware how early did they start planning out things like Links that released in 2017? At that point the anime was still generating a lot of the card design so some form of artistic expression was having a sway. For some reason all of this fascinates me deeply and it's crazy how much of the card design process has been kept a secret from the player base, especially since the end of classic yugioh and when Konami stopped doing things like providing banlist explanations. Maybe in twenty years once people start retiring they'll begin talking about why they decided to make Zoos or how they came to the decision of the MR5 change which almost admitted Pends were broken on release in MR4 and 5 had nerfed Synchro, XYZ and fusions a little too much. Or maybe there's sources out there already I'm not aware of that give light on Konami's card design? If someone is, feel free to link them. I'd appreciate the info.


How can it get even faster? I know I'm a yugi-boomer, playing back in the Yugi-Kaiba era through XYZ (Pendulum broke me...), then checking out for years at a time, but it's hard to imagine the game any faster. Decks are literally designated as 'going first' or 'going second' with most duels decided basically by turn 3. Are we really going to hit a point where games are decided before the first turn is up? Like unless you drew the specific hand trap you need to counter play, you win or lose in the first two turns? Not that I don't enjoy going first and having a 5 minute turn building a board and trying to bait out hand traps, but I honestly can't believe the game could speed up any more. Wonder how that will affect new players too. I played Master Duel for a couple of months (Managed Plat 1 with a pure Noble Knight deck lol), and everyone I introduced the game to dropped within a week because they kept getting Ash Blossomed. Almost wonder if we're over due for hitting the reset button. The new era of power creep is either going to be incredibly interesting or incredibly dull. Super curious to see how it pans out.


I also love that this video and the comment section is actually what is currently happening in YGO not those "omg I hate new stuff put 1 monster better, current ygo is just negate festa GYAA"


Nice video and I agree I think Tears and Bystials are a concept gone to far. Full combo on your opponents turn encourages time wasting to the extent burn strategies are almost mandatory for game 3.


And the fact that we have to wait a bullshit 9 months for this to happen in the TCG is absurd


I'm convinced tear will be the new Pepe in the way that there won't be a stronger deck than it at full power for at least another 3-5 years


5:51 ok, this made me laugh more than i am willing to admit


Next we’ll have deck traps in the game


I miss modern and post modern yugioh. Particularly duelist alliance format and eternal format.


I can't even fathom how this game will get even faster


This is why we need a MR 6 with a special summon limit. 5 per turn.


Something I just hate now, how many decklist have small engines like Adventure, Bystial, tri-brigade etc... in them or 12-15 handtraps it is insane how it can be hard to have pure decklist

Use them is logic and boost decks... But when you just want your deck without 60+ more bucks or just to play with friends without 1/3 your deck beeing handtraps who drop your consistancy and can just stop a T0 to play it become a nightmare... I have nothing agaist handtraps just about her spam
