Need to Keep Up -- Common False Belief #4

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2023 Humanity is shifting from Belief Consciousness to Truth Consciousness.

What beliefs am I talking about and how does this affect you?

Well, many beliefs are so engrained into our daily life and into our thoughts that we don't even realize they are 'beliefs' much less realize they are false!

This is the #4 of a series of videos focusing on common beliefs that are FALSE.
Let's shake it up a bit. Let's dig into the patterns of our lives that keep us on the treadmill of same, same, same, same drudgery.

Are you ready to look at your life and see the false beliefs you live every day?
And, more importantly, once we shed light on them, are you willing to change?

How are you feeling? Exhausted from trying to keep up?

With loving Intentions,

#awakening #lila #spiritualawakening #awakenyoursoul #divineguidance #spiritualgrowth #upshift
Рекомендации по теме

I've been watching how often I agree to do things just please others when it doesn't really interest me. It's part of learning to say, "No."
