“Trump Will END THE WAR In Ukraine” Col Douglas Macgregor On Ukraine, Iran, The Border & WW3 – SF471

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As Bob Woodward’s new book makes claims of secret meetings between Donald Trump & Putin, why would the media turn this into a negative when experts agree Trump would never have allowed the war to break out in the first place, and he will end the war if he regains the Presidency? Col Douglas Macgregor joins me to break down the Ukraine war, the likelihood of war In the Middle East spreading rapidly beyond Iran, and the Deep State’s requirement for perpetual war.

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Why is it bad to talk to Putin? Don't we want our relations with other nations to be better?


So what are they saying? Would they rather world leaders with nuclear power not talk to each other like rational human beings?


This is one of the things that irked me about the debate. When he nentioned ending the war, the moderators kept hammering him about "What will you do to make sure Ukraine wins???" Why does either side have to "Win"? Most specifically, Ukraine? Why cant they (With Trump's help) come to an agreement or treaty that benefits both sides and Russia goes home?


during a recent stay in hospital, i had the "pleasure" of overhearing 3 elderly ladies reciting their tv programming on why they hate trump. "he's evil" said one, before joking about how she wished the assassination attempt was a success. this elicited much old lady laughter. now i can't stand hypocrisy at the best of times, but when separated by a curtain, invisibility increased my confidence to speak up,
"listen to you lot cackling like a coven, " i started. "you think trumps evil, yet laugh at the prospect of him being assassinated!" there was a pause before the old witch said "but he's a liar" (grasping at straws) -i replied "name one thing he's lied about?"
"everything" was her response. "no, that's biden. name one lie trump has told." she stuttered and fumbled before quoting the stolen election. "that was not a lie" i said. if she'd mentioned the vaccine debacle i might have allowed her a point, but her tv programming won't allow for vaccine truth. she's convinced it's safe and effective, when it's neither. they called me a conspiracy theorist, i responded with "you'd be surprised".
and that's when i pulled out my trusty ear buds.

edit: dammit! the reason i started writing this was to mention their accusation that trump colludes with the "enemy" (putin, kim jong) - it's old world "thinking" like theirs thats prevented world peace imo. stupid small minded parrots.


What is wrong with Trump sending a few Covid tests to Putin? I am glad these two nuclear powers were talking to each other during a super tense time in the world.


Thank you Russell!!!! Your heart and soul are amazing!!! God bless you and thank you for all that you do!!!


“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life (present), and shall not come into judgment (future), but has passed from death into life (past).” There are 66 books total. Please read John, Romans, 1 John, and Revelation. Use an accurate translation like the KJV, NKJV, or NASB. All we have to do to be saved is believe in Him.


If there is still a Ukraine to save you mean!

They are taking one hell of a beating just now and will run out of troops.

Shame on the west/ nato. So many lost lives for multi nationals


Truly ...TRULY !!!! One of your best episodes !


Dangerous words. When a president is anti war they dont live as long.


Instead of arming Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan; US tax payer money should be spent on infrastructure, healthcare, education, homelessness etc.


Thank you all for bringing this to the front of attention.


How did Biden know what trump and putin spoke about on the tapping?


Col.Mcgregor lovely gentlemen..we need more gays like him ...perfect call gents


Sorry I'm late to the party brother Russel! I'm seeing your testimonies and I'm SO EXCITED FOR YOU! You're stuck with me now! I'll probably never meet you on earth but I'm looking forward to Heaven with you my friend!


Thank you for your constant unbiased opinions. Stay open minded brother.


Always a great & informative program. This one is really educational and i think ill listen again & take notes!


Do they mean the same Woodward of "Woodward and Bernstein" who "uncovered" Watergate?
The same ones who have been since proven to be CIA operatives-and were never reporters to begin with? Those ones?
10:47 I remember 20/20 (?) in the early nineties doing a report on a 12 (?) story building in Wuhan. China where one floor was dedicated to viral research, and another floor to finding all research and development of inventions and patents throughout the countries of the world. Imagine that!
15:57 The most heartbreaking aspect of this useless, evil war (aren't they all!) is that I have seen many, many testimonies from Ukrainians saying that these Western Russians are their families and friends-and that they do not want to fight the Russians at all.
Check out Candace Owens' podcast exposing Zelensky as a mooching grifter multi-billionaire who started life as a dancer in leotards and leg warmers-and has videos to prove it.
I have since found out that he acted in cheesy television shows also-and now he is a multi-billionaire? Hmmm?


Should this planet, the only we got destroy for these wars or stop any war with diblomatic at all cost. I remember when Finland was dealing peace all over the world for example Namibia '90 in Africa, an now Russia is a across the border is threat and no peacetalks or somehow get in the same table to have some communication system. (Other than lies)


Just realized this is always going to be a teaser and I'm for whatever reason not going to rumble. Note to self, stop clicking on my old pal Russel Brands videos
