Did the Apostle Paul preach a different message than the other apostles? | Highlight

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The Apostle Paul gives us the greatest amount of certainty to what Jesus' disciples were teaching about what happened with Him. Was Paul telling it correctly? Did he and the rest of the Apostles agree on the teachings? I believe he was right.


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Quite dishonest Mike..
How do you know that 1 Clement was written by Clement of Rome? How do you know that Clement was a disciple of Peter?
These are just Catholic traditions and you just assume them without even trying to prove them.


Mike God bless you. You existence is a blessing for us. I pray to God to give more that you ask. Much love from 🇪🇹..


There are a lot of assumptions Christians make. Yes Paul taught a completely different Christianity. Also, there are huge contradictions in Paul's story.


I object! Your way of describing Paul’s two visits to Jerusalem is colored by your agenda to put harmony to Paul’s obvious hostile attitude to James and Peter.


Well, I just learned (from the ad) that if I want Allah to love me I should donate to Islamic Relief in the first 10 days of some festival or other. Apparently he'll love me more for doing it during that time.
Like that alone is enough to make me know 100% that Islam isn't true. Why would an almighty, eternal being love you more if you donate in that time period? Petty! It reminds me of manipulative childhood so-called friends, not almighty God...and now I'll watch Mike's video for some sanity


I don't like the insinuations and bringing doubt to the Gospels. Paul worked in harmony with the apostles except that his mission was for us gentiles. Paul was highly educated and sometimes his preaching was too difficult to understand ( Peter the Apostle said that) But he was accepted and they all knew that Christ was using him mightily.


Thanks for the videos brother. love your work. It big a big difference in my life. 👍


I think Paul was lying in Galatians 1-2, and Luke was lying in Acts 15. If you research it carefully, Paul's attempt to limit the Judaizer heresy to third-parties called "false brothers" is a total sham. Paul thought the original 11 apostles were the Judaizing heretics, but he could not afford to be too direct about it because his intended audience believed the other apostles were legitimate authorities. The New Testament case against Paul's apostolic authority is strong enough to justify characterizing our criticism of Paul as reasonable. When Paul cursed the Judaizers in Galatians 1:6-9, he was also cursing apostle James.


What a heretical twist on an event which clearly shows the distinct differences between “my gospel” and the gospel of the kingdom/circumcision. Lawd Hammercy Mikey: Galatians 1:8-9 KJV
[8] But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. [9] As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

Only Paul’s gospel saves today and offers heaven as an eternal home. That offer disappears forever after the catching away/rapture. The kingdom/circumcision gospel had been spoken by God through the mouth of the holy prophets and brings Israel’s new covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34) into being after their tribulation. They get earth. Two distinctly different realms and two separate gospels. What did you do to be reconciled to God?


Hey Mr. Licona, I, recently, heard an argument from a Muslim, who said that Paul is a false “prophet”, because of this:
In Matthew 5, Jesus said something like “whoever sets aside one of the commandments, will be called least in heaven”, then he continues to say that the name “paul” in Latin, means something like “small” or “humble” and that Paul was the one who abolished the law
How would you respond to that


Bless you Dr. Licona, Ive been struggling with some doubt but this greatly helps🙏🏼🙏🏼


Does Paul say his vision converted him? He says the vision told him to preach to the Gentiles. How do we know Paul hadn't been converted by listening to Peter/Cephas/James? Others were converted by those guys, so why not Paul?


This is so inaccurate on every point. The elders did NOT agree with Paul and there's no way to reconcile them 100%, especially James, to Paul. Paul made it clear that he WITHSTOOD Peter to his face and, when you look at Paul's behavior after the Jerusalem council (where they told him to go to the gentiles while they would go to the Jews), you see that every time he went into a town the first place he went was a synagogue!! Now, he was not beholding to _obey_ them but, that reveals a total disagreement with them before you even get to the issue of grace. Paul made it clear that they added nothing to his faith so, to invent this high five session between all of them, as though Paul was trembling in hopes of their approval, has no basis in fact or even *speculation* - which is what this all is.


Great insight about Peter and John’s disciples writing approvingly of Paul. Regarding Paul’s statement in Gal. 2:2 “in order to make sure I was not running or had not run in vain, ” I don’t think he was running his gospel message by the other apostles to make sure he got it right. Such an interpretation doesn’t seem to align with the tone of the rest of the letter. He knows he got it from no man, but from God, as he greatly emphasizes in Gal. 1:1, 11-12, etc. In Gal. 1:15-24 he is emphasizing that he did not consult with anyone regarding the gospel message but that he received it by a divine revelation. Even after going up to Jerusalem the second time, he still says that those Jerusalem apostles (“those who seemed influential, who they are makes no difference to me”) added nothing to him (Gal. 2:6). Stating he had to check with others to make sure he got it right would contradict and undermine his entire argument and position, something he goes at great lengths in the letter to bolster up.

In Gal. 4:11 he says “I am afraid I may have labored over in you vain.” Certainly here he doesn’t mean he fears he preached the wrong gospel to them, but rather, fearing they had reverted back to Jewish Law observance rather than justification by faith. So rather than Paul going to Jerusalem to make sure he got the gospel message right, it seems he is wanting to show the other apostles that what he is preaching to the Gentiles is the true Gospel in order that his work wouldn’t be undone by other Jewish-Christian missionaries, resulting in his work being in vain. In Gal. 2 Paul is arguing that the Judaizers at Galatia are making the same mistake Peter was making at Antioch when he reverted back to Jewish law observance which was out of step with the gospel, even after having approved of Paul’s law-free gospel in Jerusalem. Throughout the letter, and in particular in chapter 2, Paul is showing his constant efforts to preserve the law-free gospel for the gentiles, starting with going directly to the apostles in Jerusalem (“those who seemed to be influential, ” “those who seemed to be pillars, ” not the most flattering description), then defending the gospel against Peter’s out-of-step mistake that was causing even Barnabas to stumble, and these all as examples to address the present crisis at hand, which was the Judaizers in Galatia compelling the gentile believers to circumcise and follow other Jewish ritual practices.

So it seems Paul did not go up to Jerusalem fourteen years later to make sure he got it right, but to make sure others would not destroy his work, to make sure the gospel would be preserved for the gentiles free of the Jewish law requirement for justification, and thus, to make sure he “was not running or had not run in vain.” As mentioned previously, he does seem worried in Gal. 4:11 that he had labored over them in vain because they had abandoned the true gospel and gone after another gospel which was not really a gospel. They had embraced Jewish ritual observances. This, he felt, rendered their prior law-free faith and sufferings “vain” (Gal. 3:4).


Yes The corroborating witness of Clement and Polycarp are extremely useful. Thanks again Mike


Not only that but to think that Peter or John wouldn't, being full of the Holy Spirit, read his mind and know he's a wolf is absurd. What happened to a certain couple who sold their land try and hide things? 💀


We never hear James teach Paul’s message “I am in Christ”, like James message was “I am dead and my brother lives in me!”


All you have to do to see if Paul taught the same gospel is to read what Jesus says, and compare it to Paul. Jesus (more often that not) taught salvation by works alone, (e.g., sheep and the goats, the rich young ruler, the good samaritan) and Paul taught salvation by faith alone. It's possible that the disciples changed Jesus' teachings after he died, however.
