Flask 2.0 is out!

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This is an opinionated review of the most interesting aspects of the new Flask 2.0 release. The review covers three areas:
00:00 Introduction
00:32 Routing updates
04:54 Websocket support
11:31 Async support
00:00 Introduction
00:32 Routing updates
04:54 Websocket support
11:31 Async support
Flask 2.0 Is Out!!! Async Support!!! #Shorts
Fix Flask 2.0 Warnings in Flask-Login, Flask-WTF & Flask-Debugtoolbar
Flask 2.0 - Talk Python To Me Ep.316
How to create a Simple Flask app in just 5 minutes | Python Flask Tutorial for beginners
Do this if you want to master flask
Add Google Hosted Authentication to a Python Flask App
Python Flask Tutorial #2 - Routing
Flask Tutorial #2 - HTML Templates
2) How to Deploy Python Flask based Web Application to Elastic Beanstalk Environment
Get PERMANENT Flask Uptime While Mapping
build a meme Python website (Flask Tutorial for Beginners)
POV the rich girl judges you for having a hydro flask instead of a Stanley cup
Routes & URLs - Flask Tutorial Series #2
Create a Flask development server
How I Learned Flask in 5 Days
Making Green Thai Tea in a BOBA FLASK!
Create Login Application in Flask -2 using Session #flask #python #html #css #js #bootstrap#pydroid3
Python Website Full Tutorial - Flask, Authentication, Databases & More
Addition of two numbers - 2 in Flask using pydroid3/flask/python/pydroid3
Creating your first Flask app - Flask Tutorial (Part 2)
Dynamic Websites With Jinja2 - Python and Flask #2
Lunch Box and Flask Combo : Savor & Sip #lunchbox #doubledecker #flask #combo
DANGEROUS Python Flask Debug Mode Vulnerabilities