MiSTer FPGA DE10 NANO. Neo Geo CD Core Was UPDATED! Now with SOUND! SNK's CD Console that Could

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Sometimes a surprise just falls out of the sky and into your lap...and last week a work in progress Neo Geo CD core for MiSTer FPGA arrived. No it's not finished...yet it still has issues...but it's an incredible experience just to check it out...so that is exactly what were are going to do! Because Neo Geo is one of my favorite retro gaming arcade platforms around and the Neo Geo CD core is a welcome addition to the SNK family of hardware!

and it was UPDATED on Saturday for sound! Not CDDA / redbook audio sound but the internal sound chip native to Neo Geo AES / MVS / Neo Geo CD! So it's no longer completely silent :)

Patreon Thanks: Seth Peterson, John Thompson, Paul Daniel, Porch, Jon Anderson, RayceARoni, Kurangui, Jason Hixon, Alex Tessler, Jonathan Leung, Martin Donlon, Tom Van Deusen, Barabob, Steve Randall, Ahab, K-2, Renaissance 2K, Ivar Wennerholm, Adrien Sebbane,
tobemorecrazy, Mike Puelinckx, Tony Escobar, H7, Humanoide70, Ben Parfitt, Holder Schmidt, Tim Lehner, Shad Uttam, Dan L, James Mann, Richard Schneider, Coupon Joe, Sunder Raj, Dorfus the Maple Syrup Man, John Booty and Craig M!

I asked, you answered...and I try to listen :) Of all the requests for new content on the channel one of the most frequently asked for videos is a series on the Terasic DE-10 Nano MiSTer FPGA hardware...so here it is! Retro gaming goodness.

On this episode of our MiSTer series we are going to be talking about the recent alpha test build of the Neo Geo CD core! It's working on an Unstable MiSTer build and is a core that needs to be manually installed...but so far its highly impressive and will obviously only get better with time! But Neo Geo CD has so many retrogaming hits and some solid exclusives like Puzzle Bobble, Ironclad and Crossed Swords II...along with plenty of Neo Geo AES and MVS hits like Fatal Fury, the King of Fighters, Pulstar, etc etc.

Can't wait to see this core get further developments!

Questions? Comments? Just leave them below and I will do my best to answer each and every one of them!

#retrogaming #retrogames #retrogamer #misterfpga #emulation #emulator #neogeo #arcade #arcadegames #misterfpga
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It keeps getting better and better VGE. I can't wait to try it out and have all the fun playing on it. Thank you for stopping by the Neo-Geo thread and sharing this with us bro. 8^)



I swear this was all a ruse to make me listen to the puzzle bobble soundtrack wasn’t it


Really exciting to see this updated so quickly!


Thanks for the update. Very cool. My kids love Blue's Journey. They also play Zupapa! a lot.


Is it GEECE (as in the birds) Howard or Geez Howard (not JEEZ as in ''Oh! Jesus!)?
I know SNK made fun of Geese in the Neo CD loading screens.


Amazing video and thanks for the sharing ;)


Just heads up it doesn't black screen in MS2 all levels load just takes 3x as long to move on from black screen.


What is the point of a Neo Geo CD version of Metal Slug 2? I guess CD audio but it it supposed to run better? Did the Neo geo CD add any processing power?


I actually wish it was always an option to turn off the soundtrack and just listen to effects. Every once in awhile I want to listen to my own music and play games.


9:37 You need to work on your Puzzle Bobble skills. ;)


So is a neogeo CD just a downgraded NeoGeo AES? Or does it have some unique games and features?


I would've waited an eternity for this core.

I can wait even longer to download if it means I get CD redbook and CDDA audio! That'll complete the experience.


It always bugged me that the NGCD didn't give you the option to switch over to the AES/MVS soundtrack. The audio hardware is there and the sound data only takes a few kilobytes. Oh well.
