I Am Great | by Pelin Gurdag | Poems for Kids |Children's Rhymes

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Aunty Filly reads out I Am Great, a poem written by Pelin Gurdag | Short Poems for Kids | Easy Children's Rhymes

Hi Kids, I’ve got a message for you
You should be proud of everything you do
It’s doesn’t matter if someone is faster than you
Or if someone can answer more questions in school

Because we are all made to go at our own pace
Sometimes learning isn’t a race

You might think “oh but billy can do harder maths than me”
But guess what you might be better at your abcs and literacy

You might think Harry is better at building with blocks
But guess what you can tell the time on the clock

You might think that Izzy has really good handwriting
But guess what your art work is really delighting

We are all good at something we all have our talents
Don’t compare yourself to others because your own gift is what matters

We were all made to be our own special way
And no one else can take that away
Tell yourself each and every day

"I am great in my own special way"

~Pelin Gurdag

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