How I Was Diagnosed with MCAS | Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Diagnosis, Criteria, Symptoms, Testing
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I tell my story of how my doctors suspected mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) by my symptoms, the types of testing used to support my diagnosis, diagnostic criteria, CD 117 staining, and more!
Resources mentioned:
*Weinstock, L. B., Pace, L. A., Rezaie, A., Afrin, L. B., & Molderings, G. J. (2020). Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: A Primer for the Gastroenterologist. Dig Dis Sci.
More mast cell resources:
Afrin, L. B., Butterfield, J. H., Raithel, M., & Molderings, G. J. (2016). Often seen, rarely recognized: mast cell activation disease–a guide to diagnosis and therapeutic options. Annals of medicine, 48(3), 190-201.
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Mast Cell Activation Resources:
High quality journal articles on bartonellosis:
1. Giladi, M., Maman, E., Paran, D., Bickels, J., Comaneshter, D., Avidor, B., ... & Wientroub, S. (2005). Cat‐scratch disease–associated arthropathy. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 52(11), 3611-3617.
2. Maman, E., Bickels, J., Ephros, M., Paran, D., Comaneshter, D., Metzkor-Cotter, E., ... & Giladi, M. (2007). Musculoskeletal manifestations of cat scratch disease. Clinical infectious diseases, 45(12), 1535-1540.
3. Maggi, R. G., Mozayeni, B. R., Pultorak, E. L., Hegarty, B. C., Bradley, J. M., Correa, M., & Breitschwerdt, E. B. (2012). Bartonella spp. bacteremia and rheumatic symptoms in patients from Lyme disease–endemic region. Emerging infectious diseases, 18(5), 783.
4. Breitschwerdt, E. B., Maggi, R. G., Mozayeni, B. R., Hegarty, B. C., Bradley, J. M., & Mascarelli, P. E. (2010). PCR amplification of Bartonella koehlerae from human blood and enrichment blood cultures. Parasites & vectors, 3(1), 76.
5. Mozayeni, B. R., Maggi, R. G., Bradley, J. M., & Breitschwerdt, E. B. (2018). Rheumatological presentation of Bartonella koehlerae and Bartonella henselae bacteremias: A case report. Medicine, 97(17).
6. Breitschwerdt, E. B., Maggi, R. G., Nicholson, W. L., Cherry, N. A., & Woods, C. W. (2008). Bartonella sp. bacteremia in patients with neurological and neurocognitive dysfunction. Journal of clinical microbiology, 46(9), 2856-2861.
7. Breitschwerdt, E. B., Sontakke, S., & Hopkins, S. (2012). Neurological manifestations of bartonellosis in immunocompetent patients: a composite of reports from 2005-2012. J Neuroparasitol, 3(235640), 15.
8. Breitschwerdt, E. B., Mascarelli, P. E., Schweickert, L. A., Maggi, R. G., Hegarty, B. C., Bradley, J. M., & Woods, C. W. (2011). Hallucinations, sensory neuropathy, and peripheral visual deficits in a young woman infected with Bartonella koehlerae. Journal of clinical microbiology, 49(9), 3415-3417.
Podcast with Dr. Bob Mozayeni and Dr. Ed Breitschwerdt:
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