How to Download and Install C Cpp Toolset ( gcc g++ gdb ) in Windows 11 using mingw-w64 and msys2

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In this tutorial you will learn to download and install MinGW-w64 ( Minimalist GNU for Windows ) toolset ( ( gcc g++ gdb ) ) for developing C and Cpp programs on windows 10 or windows 11 computer using msys2 Software Distribution and Building Platform.

Topics :
00:00 Introduction and Downloading Msys2
03:12 Installing Mysys2 Updating Packages
07:35 Installing gcc and g++
12:14 Installing gdb debugger
16:00 Setting up Path Environment Variable
18:48 Check gcc g+= and gdb version in cmd

First we will download and install msys2.
After that we use the series of commands to install packages and update system.

Commands used :
Update the package database and base packages using
pacman -Syu

Update rest of the base packages
pacman -Su

Now open up the Msys MinGW terminal
To install gcc and g++ for C and C++
For 64 bit
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc
For 32 bit
pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-gcc

To install the debugger ( gdb ) for C and C++
For 64 bit
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gdb
For 32 bit
pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-gdb

To check
gcc version : gcc --version
g++ version : g++ --version
gdb version : gdb --version

After installing these programs, we need to set the Path environment variable.

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This tutorial is the most simple one I think I've ever followed! It's literally just a "do exactly what I do" thing, which is sometimes more helpful than other methods


I don't often comment on these types of videos but I must say that you are down to earth and get straight to the point, and I appreciate that greatly. I was able to easily follow your instructions with no issues whatsoever, and I really am thankful that you went the extra step of including the commands in the description. Thank you so much!


I struggled for two hours (trying to figure things out) before watching this and your vs code setup videos. Your tutorials are very cohesive and straight to the point. Such a life saver! Many thanks!


this was the most straight-forward, easy to follow tutorial i have found for this. the online course i signed up for wasn't as beginner friendly as it advertised itself to be, so they didn't walk through how to set everything up. finding your tutorial helped immensely. seriously, thank you so much!


Thank you so much for this incredibly helpful installation tutorial! This and your other video on setting up VS Code for C++ are instrumental for me finally running my first C++ program and opening the door for me to learn C++. Thank you so much!!!


I found this video after an hour of searching. As a newbie, this was one of the clearest and best paced videos on the topic of GCC. Well done!


I'm eternally grateful to you for this video. Setting up C++ has been a pain, but I could follow every single step exactly in this video to set it up, finishing a process that would've otherwise taken hours in 30 minutes.


An amazing tutorial for downloading the compiler, ive been stuck looking at other guides for days and I am so thankful to have found this one! thank you


If any of you encounter the error "error: failed to prepare transaction (could not find database)" when executing "pacman -Su", just execute the command "pacman -Syy", then proceed with executing "pacman -Su".

This tutorial is awesome! Definitely helped in setting up my programming environment for C++ in VS Code. I swear Indian tutorials in YouTube are so underrated.


This is unbelievably helpful. I spent a whole afternoon frustrated at text and writing and documentation, i forgot how helpful videos can be. Subscribed, and will keep checking your channel for tutorials. Thank you so much


Great tutorial. Clear, simple, easy to follow, and all information needed was included


I needed to do this for my Data Structures course in college and my professor gave no instruction of how to do this. I appreciate you making this video! Very easy to follow and so so so helpful, thank you!!!


I got so discouraged when I first tried installing all of these packages but your tutorial helped out IMMENSELY! I can't wait to start coding once everything is finalized.


This video was probably the most helpful coding related tutorial I have every had. Thanks man!


this tutorial was simple, easy to follow, and super helpful! thank you so much!


This is the simplest video that addresses how to install mingw and setup your computer for c and c++ programming. Kudos to the instructor


This was the most painLESS process on adding a gcc. I love this tutorial. Very helpful!! Now all I have to do now is set up the Visual Studio. This time, I have a gcc ready to go.


Thanks for this tutorial because I was having a hard time doing the mingw (default and old) installation process as some files were corrupted during the installation or were having errors and this was the best way of installing gcc so far.
and also you got a SUB!:)


After two weeks of crying and tearing my hair, I finally know how to work stuff out! Thanks a lot man. This was so clear-cut and straightforward. Every tutorial should be like this.


This tutorial is the most simple one I think I've ever followed! It's literally just a "do exactly what I do" thing, which is sometimes more helpful than other methods".
