Here's a yearly recap of our best student renders from students around the world!

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2023 was a very special year for me personally. I completed my Masters in Germany and found a job as an Architect here in Berlin. I have learned a lot, had ups and downs, and traveled a lot too. Now I'm ready to create more awesome content for you guys!

2024 is going to be epic as we plan to release a lot more new courses, templates, videos, books and more.

All this and more will be available in our new online store:

I wish all of you happy holidays and have a great time with your family and friends.

Much love from Berlin,


Manish aka SketchUp Guru

P.S. much thanks to my wife Alina for all her support and love. And also special mention to our dedicated colleague Manimozhi. Without her, we would not be able to release as much awesome content as we could this year.

#2023recap #recap #sketchup #vray #studentrenders #3Drender #SketchUp #Vray #EnrollNow #architecture #render #design #interiordesign #exterior #exteriordesign #rendering #art #3d #interior #course #architect #architectural #designer #sketchupguru #sketchupgurustudent #studentwork #vrayforsketchup #vray6 #sketchup #sketchup2023 #udemycourse #udemy #sketchupcourse #vraycourse #vrayforsketchupcourse #shorts

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