MARCUS AURELIUS Says... #wisdom #quotes

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Marcus Aurelius was a Roman emperor who ruled from 161 AD to 180 AD. He was born on April 26, 121 AD, in Rome, into a wealthy and influential family. Marcus Aurelius is best known for his philosophical pursuits and is often regarded as one of the most important Stoic philosophers.

Before becoming emperor, Marcus Aurelius received a comprehensive education, studying various subjects such as philosophy, rhetoric, and literature. He was particularly influenced by Stoicism, a philosophical school that emphasized self-discipline, rationality, and living in accordance with nature.

In 161 AD, Marcus Aurelius became the Roman emperor, jointly ruling with Lucius Verus until Verus' death in 169 AD. After that, he ruled as a sole emperor until his own death in 180 AD. His reign was marked by military campaigns and challenges, including defending the Roman Empire against external threats from invading tribes.

Throughout his life, Marcus Aurelius kept a personal journal that later became known as "Meditations." In this work, he reflected on Stoic principles and his personal thoughts on ethics, virtue, and the transient nature of life. "Meditations" became a timeless philosophical classic and provided valuable insights into Stoicism.

Marcus Aurelius' rule was characterized by his commitment to justice, fairness, and the well-being of his people. He was known for his humility, integrity, and dedication to duty, earning him the title of "Philosopher King."

After his death, Marcus Aurelius' son, Commodus, succeeded him as emperor, marking the end of the Pax Romana (Roman Peace) period that had largely characterized his reign. Despite the challenges faced during his rule, Marcus Aurelius is remembered as an exceptional ruler and philosopher whose influence extended well beyond his time.
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