What Is a Unit Test? | Unit Test for Data Science Code

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Learn about unit tests in data science. If you type 'unit test' into your favourite search engine, you will receive a lot of information for Software Engineering, but very little guidance for Data Science code.

In Data Science, the small piece of code that you want to test also needs to take in data, train a model, or evaluate a model, but all of these steps are complicated and consist of many smaller units. In this talk, Dr Nile Wilson will share her Software Engineering best practices for testing Data Science Code and some of the common scenarios for data, like mocking calls or mocking data. This talk is for anyone bridging the gap between Software Engineering and Data Science, anyone in MLOps, or anyone productionalizing data.

Table of Contents:
00:00 Introduction
02:16 Unit Testing in Data Science
03:46 Real-World Applications
08:35 Use Case and How To
32:12 Key Takeaways
33:23 Tools That Help
33:40 QnA




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This was super informative, thanks. It was also great that you injected the talk with your personal experience with software testing.

Rather shamefully, I have been coding for several years now (graduate school) and never felt the need to unit test. Times have changed now.
