How well do you know your backyard birds? (25 question QUIZ about the common birds in North America)

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Get ready for this 25-question quiz that tests your identification skills for common backyard birds in North America.

You will have 10 seconds to identify each bird before the answer is revealed.

Let us know your score in the comments section. I'd also like to know which bird you found the hardest to identify correctly.

If you enjoyed this quiz, subscribe to @BirdWatchingHQ, where you can watch LIVE cameras of my feeding station.


#1. American Robin 00:31
A beautiful thrush with a rusty red breast and a dark head and back. Look for a white throat and white splotches around the eyes.

#2. Tufted Titmouse 00:48
A grayish bird with white underparts, a peach wash on the sides, and a crest on their head. Look for a black forehead and large, dark eyes.

#3. Northern Cardinal - male 01:03
Males are a stunning red with a black mask and throat. Both sexes have a crest on their head and a short, thick bill perfect for cracking seeds.

#4. Black-capped Chickadee 01:23
These tiny birds are often described as “cute,” as they have an oversized head, black cap, and bib.

#5. Eastern Bluebird 01:41
Vibrant blue with a rusty chest and throat.

#6. House Sparrow 02:00
Males have gray crowns, black bibs, white cheeks, and chestnut on the sides of their faces and neck. Females are a dull brown color with streaks of black on their backs. They can be distinguished by the tan line that extends behind their eye.

#7. Mourning Dove 02:21
A mostly grayish dove with large black spots on the wings and a long, thin tail. Look for pinkish legs, a black bill, and a distinctive blue eye-ring.

#8. Blue Jay 02:40
Backs are covered in beautiful blue feathers with black bars throughout. Their head is surrounded by a black necklace with a blue crest on top.

#9. Ruby-throated Hummingbird - male 02:58
A very small bird with a bright red throat and a black chin and mask that extends behind the eyes.

#10. Red-bellied Woodpecker 03:16
They are absolutely gorgeous with their black-and-white barred backs. However, their name can be confusing since their bellies don’t contain much red coloring.

#11. American Goldfinch - male 03:34
In summer, males are a vivid yellow with a black cap and wings. Females are duller yellow and lack black caps. In winter, both sexes look the same and turn a pale brown/olive color.

#12. Northern Cardinal - female 03:52
Females are pale orangish-brown with red on their crest, wings, and tail.

#13. Red-winged Blackbird - female 04:08
Females are brown and heavily streaked. There is a bit of yellow around their bill.

#14. Ruby-throated Hummingbird - female 04:25
Duller than males. The chin and throat are white with pale green streaks. Their face lacks the black chin and red throat of the male.

#15. Red-winged Blackbird - male 04:42
Males are all black, except for a bright red and yellow patch on their shoulders. Both sexes have a conical bill and are commonly seen sitting on cattails or perched high in a tree overlooking their territory.

#16. Northern Mockingbird 04:59
Medium-sized gray songbird with a LONG, slender tail. Distinctive white wing patches that are visible when in flight.

#17. Hairy Woodpecker 05:17
Look for an erect, straight-backed posture while on trees. Males are identified by a red patch at the back of their heads, which females lack. Hairy Woodpeckers have larger bills compared to their heads than Downy's. They also lack black spots on their outer white tail feathers.

#18. White-throated Sparrow 05:35
The head is typically black and white striped with a yellow spot between the eyes. White throat patch, gray face, and a small bill.

#19. Song Sparrow 05:52
The chest has brown streaks that converge onto a central breast spot.
The head has a brown crown with a grey stripe down the middle. Look for grey eyebrows and cheeks.

#20. Pileated Woodpecker 06:09
These birds are HUGE. They are mostly black but with white stripes on their face and neck. Look for a large triangle red crest on the top of their heads.

#21. European Starling 06:27
Breeding adults are darker black and have a green-purple tint. In winter, starlings lose glossiness, their beaks become darker, and they develop white spots.

#22. Common Grackle 06:46
Lanky, large blackbirds with long tails and long bills that curve slightly downward. They are black overall but have an iridescent blue head and bronze body when seen in the right light.

#23. White-breasted Nuthatch 07:04
Males wear a black cap on the top of their heads, while females have a lighter, grayer crown.

#24. Downy Woodpecker 07:21
Relatively small with a short bill. Males have a distinctive red spot on the back of their head, which females lack. Downy's have smaller bills in relation to their heads than Hairy Woodpeckers. They also have black spots on their back tail feathers.

#25. House Finch 07:40
Males are rosy red around their heads and upper breasts, while females are brown with streaks on their back, tail, and stomach.

#quiz #birds
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I got 24 right. The song sparrow was the only one that tripped me up. It's so much easier to identify by ear!


I ❤Birds!
I really enjoyed this identify the Bird video ! Chirp!


I have fed birds for 54 years now. I got 24 out of 25!
Thanks for the quiz! I had no problem with any of them except the White- throated Sparrow. I need it the second it turned so I could see the white throat but it was too late to count it.


20 birds and loved this video.


20/25. The Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers always trip me up!!


22/25 ... the female red-winged blackbird always trips me up. You'd think I'd have figured it out by now. 😆


23/25 - Like a previous comment said, the hummingbirds got me.


You've been doing alot of good work! Thanks Scott, love this quiz - got them all mostly because of YOU 😊


This is neat, thanks. God bless. Jesus loves you!


25/25! Even got the two not (commonly) spotted in my area. Had to be careful about the chickadee because the black-capped and carolina chickadees look SO similar, but have different calls!


10-12, I didn't know some of the specific species' names (i.e., woodpeckers). Great video, thanks for making it! 😃


17/25, never been in america so not too bad.


23/25 I always mix up the house & song sparrows.


need a bit of work on hummingbirds and woodpeckers


22/25 European starling, grackle and the red winged blackbird I have never in my yard


16 for me....didn't realize the "red sparrow" was a house finch; I knew some of the woodpeckers, but not their formal name, did not take any credit for that. Great quiz....Thank you!! 😃


23 out of 25. Not familiar with hummingbirds.


Hiya, Can I ask, where has the Live Webcam on Webcam Taxi for the animal feeder on the ground gone? It’s now showing this bird feeder? I’ve been watching the rabbits, deer, raccoons, skunks etc for YEARS 😢 and now it’s gone. Does anyone know where is can find it please.? Thanks in advance.


Got them all except for the Mockingbird -
Some of the images are pretty dark...


To me the hummingbirds were the easy ones, there’s really only one kind broadly distributed through the east/northeast US (the ones pictured). So the other one just had to be the female. Is that cheating?
