Everyone Is BANNED For Longer! New Patch With Needed Fix! ⚔️New World Aeternum

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New World Aeternum has extended their bans for players who transferred characters while all worlds were open to transfer due to a bug. We also receive a new patch.

00:00 - Extended bans & new patch
00:39 - Official ban statements
01:58 - Problems with the bans
03:48 - Rollback
05:14 - 2 opposing sides
08:09 - Patch

#NewWorld #Ban #Extension
Paul Leonard-Morgan - Bells of Laguna Bend
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I hope New world keeps running for another 15 years. The drama alone is worth it.


These kids at AGS are incompetent, and if it wasnt for amazon using this company as a way to launder money, they would be out of job


Im more annoyed that my black items, dyed with bought dye, has turned orange lol


I hope they now have at LEAST one person who is awake and has the power to pull the plug when pushing out patches to live moving forward. It's pretty crazy we spent hours and hours trying to get their attention to what was going on. You would think with as much money as they have invested in this project, they would want to have techs keeping an eye when pushing code to their live servers.
As to the bans, FAFO. People exploit aggressively and often and I think a firm hand is needed.
It is very unfortunate they didn't do a rollback. It's not going to be possible to catch all that gold and gear that was immediately flow into the pvp servers and it killed it for many.


My personal favorite part is that AGS increased server capacity from 2000 to 4500 some time ago, but surely they never expected to see that many people log in? Rofl.


its a literal clown fest at AGS. from coding with crayons to DEI employees. they just lost another 35% of the player base with bad coding and an inadequate automated system


NW Devs: “I’m SO TIRED of working on this game. Butchering the marketing for console release and then splitting the population with seasonal PvP worlds hasn’t worked. How can we sink it even further so that Jeff Bezos has no choice but to shut down the servers??”

Anonymous NW Dev: “I have an idea…” 💡


IMO if you did something wrong, even tho the game allowed because of a bug = PERMA BAN, im tired of these people taking advantage of others! They need a lesson, you cheat you get ban, period.


In software development, you can have public test servers or a rigid testing process to ensure catastrophic code is not released to the public. AGS has neither which is how this server mess happened. They say they are fixing things on a case-by-case basis, but are not changing their procedures to ensure this never happens again (and let’s face it, it should have never happened in the first place for a game that has been out for years).


Nah, anyone “testing the fences” and using exploits should be given severe bans, even perma bans.

We are not at the beginning of online gaming, where anyone can assume that someone was just innocently “trying” the exploit.

People that do this will usually continue to exploit over and over. AGS, along with a lot of other companies are way to lenient with exploiters/cheaters, and then when it gets out of control, they can’t bring it back in.

Break the rules, reap the consequences. Easy as.


All these unaware comments. If you were playing at the time of the patch, the game returned to service and showed all worlds open for any character on the menu. The onus is on ags from this first mistake.

Even players that did not transfer, logged back in to continue playing like normal (no comms from ags regarding the error above), lets say they bought 1x fiber off the market (unknowingly posted by a transferred char)... Banned for a week.

Sure there were worse offenders but you can not naively support ags decisions to blanket ban unaware supportive players. Its braindead and thieving.


The Lore of New World in the gaming community is known as the peak of failure. Every other game out there take notice.. Don't be like AGS.


These types of mistakes are actually insane for a game that's been out for this long.


No one should be banned for buying something in the store or trading with someone. However if you transferred a character to the seasonal servers because you thought "lemme transfer my lvl65 character and stomp on noobs and make money" then yeah... get permabanned.
NW has a lot of things wrong with it, but players like this, macro users, exploiters... they also kill the game


I've been an online gamer since early 2000s with Starcraft, Warcraft, CS etc. I have never in my life seen worse devs than these. With every update the bugs multiply, everything breaks, they fix something and more buggs appear. I love this game because of its pvp combat, but it's starting to get exhausting. You never know any more what's working or not. You can't be sure if you perks work, if your passives works. This is insane


This has happened to every MMO in existence. The only proper fix is a rollback. They did not rollback because...??? They fucking can't! They literally don't have any system in place for a rollback! 😂 AGS is clown central 🤡.


This has killed my company. Whole leadership banned and now all their friends (including me) are playing a lot less.


I'm enjoying the game on my legacy server. Just another example of why the new Seasonal Server was a bad idea. No sympathy for those who got banned intentionally doing a server transfer to exploit it. That account that took massive amounts of gold and bought territories should be perma'd. Those who didn't transfer but bought something that was illegal, should not be banned.


I am so so glad I stayed logged into ESO that night after maintenance ended. I could've easily gotten caught up in the bans just from unknowingly buying/selling on the trade post lmao

Anyway to those saying the all the bans should be permanent regardless of offence, I'd be curious to know what region you all play the game in... I bet it's not AP SE ;)


I have always stood by the opinion that exploits and cheats are 2 different things. And you should never get banned for any exploits that don't take a 3rd party program to do
