Bladder Cancer Month Week 3: Incontinence, Overactive Bladder & Stress Urinary Incontinence

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November is National Bladder Health Awareness Month! In this video, we are talking with Dr. Jason Kim about incontinence, overactive bladder & stress urinary incontinence. #bladdersmatter #bladderhealth #urologycarefoundation

00:00: Introduction
00:33: What is incontinence?
00:45: What are the symptoms of incontinence?
01:29: What are the treatment options for incontinence?
03:10: Is incontinence more common in men or women?
03:52: What is an overactive bladder?
04:42: When should you see a doctor for overactive bladder?
05:08: What treatments are available for overactive bladder?
05:39: What advice do you have for anyone suffering from bladder issues?
06:18: Will most people experience bladder issues in their lifetime?
06:43: Final thoughts for the audience?
07:37: Conclusion

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