E184: Cartridge Demagnetizing - Several Methods – One Absolutely Free!

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0:00 Intro
0:18 Today's Topic: Cartridge Demagnetizing
0:31 Understanding why it makes a difference
1:35 Understanding the core materials
2:42 The effects of magnetization
3:12 What to expect after demagnetizing
3:44 Purpose-built demagnetizers
4:40 Demagnetizing with an LP
5:04 Best for use with moving magnet cartridges
5:23 CAUTION: How to safely use a purpose-build demag device on moving magnet carts
6:31 The case AGAINST demagnetizing your cartridges
6:53 The reasoning behind NOT demagnetizing at all
7:49 Using a purpose-built demagnetizer
8:31 Using an LP, specialized or otherwise
8:46 The FREE and perfectly safe way to demagnetize MC or MM carts
10:03 The benefits of demagnetizing
10:26 The potential danger of using a purpose-built demagnetizer on MM carts
10:45 How frequently does one need to demagnetize
11:28 Request for you to share your experiences
11:43 Martini Time
12:08 Outro-Subscriptions

Today we look at three ways to demagnetize your moving coil phono cartridges – and some safe ways to degauss your moving magnet carts too – as well as the pros and cons of the practice.

A.J. van den Hul’s stance on cartridge demagnetizing

Ways to support the audio analyst©:


I used a Sumiko Fluxbuster FB-1 from 20 years ago on a Benz Ruby 3 every 100+ hours for several years. I was displeased that after a treatment, it took several records to regain the sonic splendor (too dry and thin sounding after treatment but clean). I have switched to a Dynavector 20X2 L in my Brooks Berdan highly modified SME IV on a VPI VI/Townshend seismic sink analog set up and feel no need after several hundred hours to fluxbust/demagnitize it. This through an audio system consisting of an EAR 324, Poseidon DAC/Pre-Amp, Westminster Lab REI amps and Von Schweikert VR9 SE Mk2 upgraded. Somehow, every LP from mono to stereo sounds very full, warm, detailed, fast and interesting (from among my 31, 100 LPs). Maybe in another 250+ hours, I might try the Sumiko again but I am hesitant to demagnetize my cartridges any longer.


Hi Greg. An excellent and well presented segment. I have a question for you. Since the new Optical cartridges from DS Audio have neither coils or magnets would these optical cartridges benefit from being demagnetized? Thanks!


I can't post of my findings as I don't use records anymore..

But it's clear in reading through the comments that not everyone is in agreement of the validity/benefit of such practice
(which is to be expected as Hifi and difference of opinion often go hand in hand !)

Intriguing topic nonetheless.


Thank you for the informative video. Would using a Zerostat on a MC cartridge provide any benefit?


Demagnetizing a magnetic cartridge, whether MM, MI, or MC, will ruin it.
