This is not gonna go the way you think

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Luke tells Rey that things are not going to go the way she thinks
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Wow. Luke tried to warn us but we didn’t listen.


Just needed to hear that. Applies to so many things right now!


When high school graduates ask for advice about life outside of school


When it isn’t going to go the way you think.


That description tho.

Not sure what I expected, but it wasn't that. Guess it didn't go the way I thought it would.


Goosebumps when he says that and facts that it's also talking about the movie itself


This is the message most people need right now.


"Avengers: Infinity War" (2018)


That one sentence sums up the sequel trilogy


Me when I have installed a bunch of mods and I’m about to launch it up for the first time.


Mark Hamill said that this is the only line in The Last Jedi he personally agreed with, and for good reason.


At least i loved the grumpy hermit-version of Luke. He tried to rebuild the jedi order with what he knew of the force. But one miss step pretty much created a new Vader (except for the burned alive part). And seeing everything he had worked so hard to create after about most of his adult life fighting going up in flames would break anyone. He was just tired of all the fighting simply.


Rise of Skywalker is so horrible that I kinda liked how this film was different, because at least Last Jedi was trying to move on, episode 9 is just Rise of FanService.


This could've been the best master-student-relation in Star Wars.
Could've been.


Mark wasn't acting, he was warning us


When somebody posts a "Sailor Moon vs." thread.


That's what my pastor said about the Bass-heavy fart I unleashed during his homily. After services I ended up tossing my boxer shorts in the bushes near the rectory. 🤔... 💩... 😳


mark's reaction to kathleen kennedy's plans for the sequels


I honestly love the sequels, and I'm going to say that something everyone forgets is THIRTY YEARS HAVE PASSED!
I mean, a lot can change in that time...


The original trilogy was a hero's journey building to an unknown victory.
The prequel trilogy was watching the foregone conclusion of failure.
The sequel trilogy was created to be a failure, and inevitable struggles to try and escape it.

When you walked into the theater for the prequel movies, you knew from the start how things had to be. You knew what you were in for. You were going to watch the backstory of the downfall, and the rise of darkness.
When you walked into the theater for the sequels, most didn't know it yet, but the movies had set the seeds of narrative collapse into motion right then and there. Right from the outset, nothing made sense, so much plot was left hanging, and there were so many mysteries that would be left unanswered, and in hindsight, there'd probably be no good way to answer them. I don't think JJA even sat down for a few things to sanity check whether the mystery boxes he'd left for RJ even HAD a valid solution; from the onset it was a rubix cube with 10 red squares and 8 yellow squares.

So Rian threw the whole cube, the whole mystery box in the trash. In hindsight, I think he just said, "Well, you've left me with no way to move forwards so I'm just going to write something I'd find interesting. It'll probably be a garbage fire, but whatever, there's already no winning so I might as well at least lose in a spectacular fashion. Oh yeah, and good luck picking up where I left off. This bridge is burned."

JJA returns and is in full panic mode, as the chickens have come home to roost, and now HE has the impossible task of making sense out of a story that Rian seemed to design to be a book-ended conclusion. I wouldn't be surprised if he was intending to make it so that there couldn't be an episode 9. You could've ended at TLJ, and it would've been pretty self-contained. And as bad as it was, we had no idea that ROS would only make matters worse.

JJA just pulls everything he can out of his ass, trying desperately to salvage some kind of plot thread out of the wreckage left in front of him, using all of the awful tropes and cliches, and trying to appeal to nostalgia to cover over the fact that he doesn't have a damn story.

TFA (which I actually had to look up the subtitle for, it was just so unmemorable) was lazy and irresponsible. It's like a middle-aged man doing unhealthy life habits and starting to develop diabetes and cancer.
TLJ is like a mid-life crisis where he's also starting to suspect something's wrong, and he just wants to accomplish something, with the sneaking suspicion his time's running out. So he goes big and bold.
ROS turns into a desperate cry in the final dying days, suffering in your deathbed and pleading for something, anything, to save his life. But it's already terminal.

The death of Star Wars only truly became apparent in the last moments, but in hindsight we can see exactly where the fatal decisions began.
