Angular : Sharing Data From Child To Parent Component ! (Part-6.1)

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How to share data from Child to Parent Component in Angular ? | How to share data between components ?

(present in below in github with the Commit "Adding Updated Code")

Timestamp :
04:19 -- What is the Use of EventEmitter Class.

In Angular, @Output serves as a crucial tool for communication between a child and its parent component. It allows a child component to emit events and pass data upwards to its parent. By defining an @Output property in the child component and emitting events using EventEmitter, data can be shared with the parent component. This mechanism facilitates efficient interaction in scenarios like form submissions, button clicks, or any other user actions where the child component needs to notify the parent. Parent components can then listen to these events and react accordingly, enabling seamless coordination and data flow within the Angular application.

#angular #frontend #development #components #sharing #data