fake reality #shorts

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"my daughter won't stop screaming"

"Not even when I go to her grave and beg her to stop"


"Hey can u give me that remote"
*"Oh yea sure, oh fu-"*


The person: Pretends to be blind and gets treated so well
The family: Spends money to replace eyes
Her: becomes blind again


This would be a good book-

EDIT: look Harry im famous too :))✨


In my POV, I think she was blind so she didn't know that her "family" was actually not her family and they kidnapped her actual real family then her eyesight returned... WOAHH Thanks for the likes!


Here's a scary thought
"I made people believe I am not an orphan, one day a strange man showed up to class, claming to be my father
What people don't know, I eat liars for breakfast"


2 sentence horror story!
It was a beautiful summer evening, and the waves lapped hungrily at my family's feet. Little did they know, I was just as hungry for them as the ocean was.


"Hey can you get me that juice there"
"Oh sure darling. can see?!
"Oh sh*t"


Part two of this:
*I would be taken care of very good, but*
*there has been something bothering me, I couldn’t sleep*
*every night I would hear banging, screaming, crying, the worse part is their voices are all familiar as if they were my family.*

Someone asked a part three so ✨here✨
*I have been really bothered, and told my “family” but one night it was silent no screams, cries or banging, it was silent that night, in the morning I wondered why my real family’s head was in the garage, and why the meat we ate felt weird.*

Many asked for part 4, ask and u will recive:
*As my "family" ate the meat, I didn't want to, I told them I lost my appetite, my so called sister "helped me go" in my room but I don't know why we're in the garage, as my "sister" said, "Our feast celebrating our victory will be much better if you stay quiet" while she handcuffs me in a chair, holding a knife.*

Alright, I’ll give u guys part 5~
*I panicked, not knowing what to do, My “sister” was called to help around in the kitchen as they had already finished their food, I could hear their voices saying “the meat was good” “we should try this kind of meat again” there I realized that my so called family are cannibals, well known to be exact, Top CIA had been looking for them, I only had two choices either runand let them know that I am not blind, or stay and learn more about them, My second choice is probably better but more risky., As this land where “my” house sits is personally owned by my family, if I remember right mom used to like plants, so that’s why about a hundred meters is away from the city, it’s a long way, I myself is not good at running, especially that my “brothers” are My phone, where, where, where, where is it?! I looked for it only to find out, my sister has it in her pocket, now what should I do?*

Okay Ima end this,
*My “sister” said “Okay let’s dessert shall we?” As she walked in the garage, I tried escaping but my body wouldn’t move, she standed infront of me, it was the most terrifying thing I have ever experienced, My old phone was on the verge of falling out I standed up from the chair, My “sister” shocked but interested in situation, I tried taking my phone but she dodged, but it fell, I tried to grab it as fast as I could, but my “sister” stepped on it, ”My, my, guys! You see this show” she called, I took my phone and tried to run, my “brothers” arrived, they saw me trying to run, as I am already out from the garage, they chased me, I ran as fast as I could, I got in the city, I called the police, they came and arrested my “family”, ”and that my friends is the case of the “real life nightmare” A girl said, ” “oh dear I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep now-“ Another girl said, ”then why’d you say “leT’s ReAd tHe CAsE oF tHe reAl LiFe niGhtmArE” a boy mimicked, ”alright that’s enough let’s go to sleep or my mom will whoop the living crap out of us” the girl said, ”Okay” her two friends replied.*

I wanted to add one more line:
*”Father I have secured the target”*

Edit:Okay how in the french toast did this get 1k likes? Thanks tho<3
Edit 2: please don’t ask for another part, thank you.
Edit 3:mk before you share/comment any hate or sm, I'd like to inform you that I had no idea on what I should've wrote, I continued to write whatever pops in my mind.Thank you-



For Mr.Duck 🦆...he’s starving 🥺


imagine its fun when fake blind until someone throw something at you then you dodge


I want to read a book like that.. any recommendations please.


"The police knocked on my door.
They told me about my daughter's case.
"She's alive!"
They said.
They showed a picture of a bloody scene in some sort of wood chopping place, with my daughter's head decapitated.
I was about to cry, until I remembered their first sentence..."


Those who dont get it:

So she got blind and somehow got it back and relaize she was with different people and she didint tell that she got it back to find out what they did to her family💀👌 amazing💯


Meanwhile me : I want someone to caress my hair like that lol


Your stories like this literally need to be books like I feel like you would make a lot of money bc these stories are awesome and I would buy every single one you make


"Once a man walked up to me."
"He said "hello!"
"I said for him to back off as I walked away"
"I saw a figure in my room that said goodbye as I went to sleep. "when I woke up, I suddenly appeared in a insane asilem with a strange OK IDK WHAT TO SAY ANYMORE ):( I QUITTT


Bruh this gave me the chills I'm putting the covers back on me bro


“I went deaf and blind long ago as a child and became very good at sensing movement, when the senses came back I wanted to see what my life was actually like. Everything is dark and I’m still lonely…”
