Update 62 Review - March of Empires

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March Of Empires Why is there nothing in this update about players using bots to hit dead castles?? Many players using bots to hit deads 24/7 collecting trillions of resources. Selling resources & having a unfair advantage over others with all the resources collected. (Dead Bot) program being sold all over social media. Many players using it. Need to focus your updates on removing these players, coming up with a feature to stop it. I've seen players hitting dead castles for 24hrs straight with no break. Where is the anti hacking team at? Add a update to remove the players using bots on dead castles & I'll start spending more money!


The bots are farming the dead castles all day, reaping billions in RSS, leaving little for the rest of us. Why is this not being dealt with. All the cheaters that have been banned in 394 are back in the game. This camp change is about selling gold with packs not bots.


I'm not an bot user but not even 500 camps per 24 hours is too low.. taking thrones, doing wars, training and doing events take lot of gold. Please increase it at least to 1k camps per 24 hours..


Realmente March of Empires .se está volviendo un juego para los verdaderos millonarios .. realmente el que tiene bots es el que tiene dinero para pagarlo y estoy seguro que ya los tienes identificados .pero cuál es tu sorpresa !! Que son los que te consumen y compran más pack . Es por eso que tú determinación de poner ahora restricciones para los campamentos y a su vez poner pack para recompensa de campos .. cada que pones una actualización es gastar más .bien se sabe que es un negocio para ustedes los jugadores lo entienden ..pero si ya es un dolor de cabeza ponerse a nivel óptimo sales con tus actualizaciones .( Casa de fieras, nuevas clases de campeón, mejoras de distrito, investigaciones, una lotería que ya no da el oro como antes , etc.) Te hago está pregunta... Crees que los jugadores se van a animar a comprar paquetes sabiendo que no va a ser suficiente porque los que tienen en verdad dinero ya tienen las nuevas actualizaciones listas y equipo nuevo en color púrpura ? Ya los que tenemos poco o no tenemos dinero .. solo nos queda jugar y pasar el rato .. ya no vamos hacer competitivos .dejaremos que los que en verdad gasten se maten entre ellos .. que en cada reino son pocos los que lo hacen ya .. ahora nos castigas con los campos. Quizás eso lo único divertido que nos quedaba a los que no gastamos mucho dinero .. pero en fin es tu negocio y no te diré como llevarlo ..pero si te pido algo de consideración para los que entran a tu juego a divertirse y pasar el tiempo. Para olvidarse de los problemas reales .. realmente este juego está dejando de ser divertido ya que solo se trata de gastar mucho dinero .. yo por mi parte dejaré de comprar paquetes .porque ya se muy bien que no les daré alcance y tener buenos bonos como los que si en verdad tienen dinero . Ahora solo me queda mirar que se destruyan en el trono ..mientras que yo solo haré por divertirme y hacer los eventos y atacar los pocos campos que nos dejaste " libres " sin gastar dinero ..


Are you sure it's only for robots? You just think about money, even the maker of robots. If this is not the case, you can only prohibit 10 people using the bot and do not return their castles for any time. With this update you only helped the wealthy players can get more camps by buying a camp pack. If you think that the robots will stop for all your engineers, I'm sorry to fir them because they are just stupid.


I certainly am not a bot user and they must be dealt with. For a very active player such as myself this limitation is way to small. The last few updates have steadily ruined this game for players who work hard at it but do not have large amount of money to spend.


Our realm is dead, 450-500 camps in 2 guardian passes 30minutes.
I know bots are a pain but the problem is when you find a bot user you don't ban them and if you do you bring them back.
I would say it's your problem you can't control bots on your own system not ours, now the players that work hard honestly and putting the hours in will take a hit.


I dont think this will deal with bots taking resources from abandoned castles and leaving the lands dry


Bots need to be banned are you so helpless?


I find it rather poignant that when directly confronted on the issue of whether or not "farm" use is considered cheating the game developers go eerily silent. Why are they afraid to clearly respond to such a simple question in a public forum? I suspect it's because there's an extremely strong correlation between "farm" use and spending and Gameloft doesn't want to alienate its cash cows.

But here's the rub. How healthy can someone be that they would create/manage/play dozens (hundreds?) of extra accounts to succeed in a game, one in which, to the best of my knowledge, there are no monetary rewards handed out for achievement? It's psychotic behavior to say the least.

By not targeting and eliminating so much unhealthy behavior in its game Gameloft is indirectly supporting and encouraging it. It's overdosing its users with an addictive product and watching the profits roll in as lives are ruined. Purdue Pharma did it with Oxycontin; Gameloft is doing it with March of Empires.

Don't become a statistic in the worst way possible. Stay away from this cesspool of a game.


UPDATE on the update. The Bots are STILL alive. Doing their thing. 🤨


Every update and you continue to kill the game...more players will left the game


March Of Empire I don't purchase packs anymore because all the cheaters not being punished. Realm 355, many bot user's. When you remove ALL bots I will make purchases of packs again. Its not fair for the players who don't cheat. Many of my friends have left this game won't purchase packs because the customer support for this game is horrible. Many days we contact support with proof of bots running in realm 355, your support does nothing. Many feel this way and won't purchase unless bots are banned removed. Need to investigate realm 355 & get a better customer support who actually removes players cheating using bots.


I am not a bot user and this energy system is pretty good but I think the amount of energy is not enough we can easily hit 489 camps in 2 hours. If you can increase it around 700/800 it would be perfect for the %5. Because bot hits around 3000 camps a day so extra 300 camps does not mean anything for them but its very valuable for us.


so what happens when season feat starts with the camps, will it still work the same way or will the point scoring cut off when you have reached the 489 camps per day.??? Will it then be whoever reached the total first..?? it really is not enough camps... I have been playing for nearly 7 years I think... I too believe that bots wreck the game, but for those of us that are dedicated to achieving high scores its quite disheartening. last season I came 9th in the camps, but if there is no reward for spending every spawn hitting them, it just seems a waste of time... as I was so wrecked after doing it for a month...


After 2 weeks I can now get less chests now than before. There is simply not enough or don't spawn enough. If you play by the rules you reside in level 1 caps.


What about those bot users in throne they attack and shield in less than a second


Don't worry bot players. You will soon be able to buy a shitload of encounter reward point for just 99dollars up to 3 times.


(BOTS attacking deads)
What about the bots farming dead castles?? This game has way to much cheating going on in it with a customer support that does nothing when it's reported to them. I think players would probably spend more money, purchase packs if your support team would actually remove ALL bot users. There is a huge issue with bots farming deads that should been addressed long ago. Need to start banning players using BOTS. Stop letting them back in the game because they just continue using bots right after. Need to add a update that puts a stop to bots farming deads ASAP.


This does not solve the problem we have with Bot Users. Not in the slightest, and I think you know that. This will affect 0% of bot users who have spent years collecting Rss and camps. They are huge now and laughing all the way to the bank. They run realms. We report a problem, and get slapped in the face for it. I have played this game for 6 years. Now I'm actually feeling insulted by GameLoft with this idea. Dead disappointed, guys. Sorry.
