Tour of the Meatpacking District: Wilhelm Reich and the Gansevoort Destructor Plant

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Artist Lize Mogel tells the story of emigrant scientist Wilhelm Reich, whose controversial research into sexuality led to the confiscation and ultimate destruction of his papers by the Federal government. The location where the papers were destroyed was The Gansevoort Destructor Plant, just down the street from the Whitney's new location in the Meatpacking District.
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Much like Nikola Tesla, Dr. Riech's work went against prevailing winds, for that it was ridiculed, surpressed, and mostly forgotten.
Imagine if these two men and their work had been able to flourish, the kind of world we could have had.


Wilhelm Reich & his Mother Egleia were both murdered (essentially) their love of those in their lives & of the world was betrayed by Humanity….two beautiful lives that ended needlessly in tragedy because of OTHERS inability to see & respect kindness, curiosity interest in loving & sharing their experiences helping others.. what they both suffered was unforgivable, ..Wilhelm was ridiculed & strategically destroyed by the US government!… so what if he was eccentric! as a child from a great family from Europe I have always seen Reich as a high Prince of Insight, a Knight of Kindness Love & Freedom and his beautiful mother Egleia Reich a queen who gifted us these jewels & we destroyed them for what??

The Murder of Reich..


It wasn't Reich who violated the injunction, but someone working for him, without WR's knowledge. This was a lynching of a great scientist and a true mensch, , and all the great powers which opposed his revolutionary thinking (USA, Nazis, Soviets) had a hand in his destruction, ultimately. But his ideas live on, and have had a great influence on culture, something which the ptb can't control. Why Kate Bush even wrote a song for him...
