Time to Stop Relying On the Freezer | Preserving Meat

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After several severe storms in the past couple weeks I have quickly realized we need to stop relying on our freezer so much. Come spend the day in the kitchen with me as I can chicken, ham, and bone broth.




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DISCLAIMER: My husband and I recently bought a neglected 34-acre farm with several barns, buildings, and a two-story farmhouse. Our plans are to restore the farm and farmhouse to its former glory all while adding our own individual style and design. We decided to vlog the entire renovation process for our own personal records and for future generations. We are in no way experts in renovating nor do we claim to be professionals. All Lewis Acres Homestead videos are for entertainment purposes only. We recommend you always consult professional experts when completing any home renovations and wear proper protective gear.

I am not a professional I am only sharing what I have learned and my opinion.
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I really like watching your videos. Your voice and motions are very calming. I like how you give tips and hints so those not familiar with canning will understand what is normal and to be expected. ❤


I loved this video and how you kindly answer people's questions, especially your response to the person asking about head space, recipes clearly state the amount you should leave. The people who filled theirs to the top are the same one who claim they get faulty lids or broken jars. I did lose a freezer full of meat about 15 years ago and I did cry!! We have a Bluetti to use for a power outage but I limit what I keep long term in the freezer. I see them sponsor Youtub ers, maybe you could get one. If someone has not canned meat they have no idea how delicious it is. The pressure canner really seals in all the flavors and it is so soft and tender. Someone asked me why I bother to can beans as dry beans can sit on the shelf for years. In a disaster how much energy and water would you need to cook beans? I could just pop a jar open and eat. Plus I eat them two or three times a week which is healthy, I'll bet they don't. My latest thing I have been doing is canning pints of half potatoes and half beef and I fry it up as hash, usually adding onion and peppers.


The lard/tallow rendering days are long but productive. We either finely chop mostly frozen fat or put it through our meat grinder first and this makes a HUGE difference. Good job getting all of this stuff done. We have a freezer shed with 3 upright and 1 chest freezer and although I love the convenience of the upright freezers, we did have someone not close one all the way recently which caused a lot of the meat in the door of the freezer to partially thaw which made my husband SO MAD. It happened to be the freezer with his elk and deer in it. So we had to cook it up and pressure can it which is not how we would have used it.... But we weren't about to let it go to waste.


We canned a bunch of boneless, skinless chicken breast in pint jars. Hubs is a truck driver so I wanted things he could take with him to fix quick, easy, healthier meals. A pint of chicken can be fixed with so many things. Foods at truck stops are not only expensive, but are full of preservatives. I’ve canned chicken with broth and use it for quick soups or gravies. We canned some beef and use it for chili! I’m thankful to know how to can. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!


I cook with butter for nearly everything. I rarely use any of those processed oils and shortening. I try to keep our freezers full as well. :) Thank you for sharing the video! Enjoyed it!


Yes, I love that popping sound. It means success in a way and whatever you’re canning you’ve done very well today you can beans as well. ?


I'm working on a batch of lard now. I posted it on Facebook and was amazed by the misinformation about animal fats! It seems people are either really for or against it. People should look into the history of Crisco and cooking oils. Do their own research. On saving freezer space, we are also out in the country. My husband had purchased a lot of beef; 'for emergencies" he said. Well, the next day he went to work and when he returned, I had canned all of it into chili and stew. I remember him saying, "You canned the emergency meat! Why would you do that?!" 😅 I dunno, so we can simply heat and eat if there is no power? We still laugh about it lol


Great video! You had a very productive couple days. It feels so good to get meat out of the freezer to create space, prevent freezer burn or loss if the power goes out. Canning is a lot of work but so worth it in the end!


People need to know that a pressure canner brings the temperature up to 240 degrees, unlike a water bath which is 212. Water boils at 212 degrees so when you bring those jars out they are going to continue to boil on your counter for a long time before they get below 212.


I learned to can meat after losing full freezers. We did get a whole house generator, but I'm not going to trust electric and freezers again. One of my favorites to do is corned beef. I never tasted corned beef hash until I was in my 70's and I canned my own corned beef. Unfortunately, corned beef isn't as cheap as it used to be around St. Patrick's day. Thank for the reminder. I have chicken feet in the freezer and I need to can more pasta sauce. Back in the early 90's, we took some of our whethers to be butchered. The "butcher" was having a hissy fit and started yelling that he had never butchered goats before and wasn't happy about doing it. Needless to say, we never went back to that facility. I love watching your videos. Canning is very time consuming but well worth the effort. No better sound to a canner than the sound of a "ping".


Oh…how I really wished I watched my mother more on canning and helped her out…I to love watching your videos on your daily living and renovating your home…Question…the pot your using for canning is that a pressure cooker or a specific pot for canning?…I have a large pressure cooker but want to make sure that’s what you are using or not…THANK YOU for sharing this with us and I always look forward to your next one…I know this was 10 months ago but I’ve watched this video several times already 😊


That was my winter goal, too! With doing the 3rivers pantry challenge... I'd fill my empty jars with freezer meats, berries, and the extra peppers, tomatoes into the canning jars! We love having meals in a jar, too! I have found that we use the taco and chili meats, chunks/shreds of meat ready for soups or pasta dishes! I've certainly learned that while having a chest freezer, it should only be a temporary place...caise stuff gets lost at the bottom! Great ideas...thanks for your tips!❤


Hi I just found your channel and so enjoying your videos!!
Thank you, ♥️
Patricia (Daniel)


I would recommend saving for a generator, extra gas cans, and gas. Or something similar that is solar powered to keep your freezer running if power is out. Especially if you have meat in freezers the generator costs less than losing all that meat.


Even in Spain we are having weird weather. We should be in very warm spring but we are still in duvets and south east Spain are having winter weather


I just love your videos…and your kitchen is so charming!


I love my IP too. Once I discovered that sauté is the same as boil/simmer (depending on the level setting), I boil potatoes and tons of other foods in it. It’s gets hotter than the crock pot and doesn’t need to be watched like simmering on the stove. I make a soup in it a couple times a week. Thank you for allowing me into your kitchen! ❤


Great job! This is great for quick meals too! Thank you for sharing!


Like you I can the bulk of or meats, we also have invested it a med size generator that will run our freezers I ca also freeze dry some as well though we prefer canned. Lard is preferable to gmo oils.


We can a lot of venison but freeze most all our other meat. We have talked about canning more this year because we have the jars and are also running out of freezer space. We pay a big bit of electricity on the 3 freezers we have and I'm getting tired of that large bill. ❤
