Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds | 1: ATTICHITCUK (Campaign) [Longplay]

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0:17 1. Moving and attacking
4:29 2. Gathering Resources
11:17 3. Building An Army
18:51 4. Researching Technology
31:43 5. Exploration and Transport
50:21 6. Allies and Jedi
01:07:22 7. The Battle For Alaris Prime


Attichitcuk (Basic Training)

The Civilizations of the Galactic Republic are extending their reach. The WOOKIEE Transporte Thalmussen penetrates the Alaris Expanse, a system of worlds along the Outer Rim.
Bound for ALARIS PRIME, the transport carries villagers and warriors, all sharing hopes of colonization.
But others have designs for this world. The nefarious Trade Federation plots to ravage Alaris and destroy anything that stands in their way...


Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds is a real-time strategy video game set in the Star Wars universe. It was developed by Ensemble Studios and LucasArts. It was released in November 11, 2001. An expansion pack, Clone Campaigns, was released in May 14, 2002, adding two new factions and campaigns. Later that year, both Galactic Battlegrounds and Clone Campaigns were released in a box set, Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds Saga.

The games were built on the Genie engine, the same one used in Age of Empires and Age of Empires II.


Qui-Gon-Jinn helps Chewbacca become a leader and defend Alarus Prime.
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When I first played this game I thought immediately of Warcraft because it’s the same concept just in a Star Wars version but I still think this one is much cooler in my opinion. It was very confusing at first but I know how to do it pretty well now.


Cheats from memory.
Simonsays: Creates an over powered Ewok with a shield and although the animation it uses to attack is just a template and just a copy this Ewok fires very powerful lasers that will destroy anything in almost one or two hits does not matter if the unit is air or land everything will die.
Scaryneighbor: Creates a Boat literally no other unit like it however I suppose it could be a reference to that one type of neighbor who spies on you with binoculars.
Forcebuild: Will auto built anything for you and for the enemy team. It also means you auto harvest so you'll go to a resource and it will sort of do a bug animation and auto harvest and will bring to the nearest resource collector.
ForceSight: This will make sure the area of the map that your have been is constantly visible meaning usually the map will fade once you leave it. You'll still see the flora around the area but you won't be able to tell if there are enemies nearby this removes that Fog of War.
ForceExplore: Like ForceSight, ForceExplore will explore will show you the entire map while force sight reveals what's there.
ForceCarbon gives you 1k Carbon
ForceFood gives you 1k Food.
ForceNova gives you 1k Nova.
ForceOre will give you 1k Ore pretty simple to remember.
LukeSkywalker: Will complete the Campaign mission meaning it will just auto complete.
AnakinSkywalker: WARNING THIS WILL CAUSE YOUR GAME TO CRASH. So do not use. Although you can try. I've used it once or twice just to see what would happen after I forgot. But since it's an old game I don't know if it will corrupt the game or any saves, but I did give you a warning.
Not sure if there are any other Cheats but these are from memory.


Imagine if they did a remake of this 🤯
