Honda Civic - Crank / No Start

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Come along with Eric O. at the SMA shop as he has a look at this 2004 Honda Civic that was towed in with a "crank no start" It is not your typical timing belt or fuel pump but a rather unusual problem. Let's see what we find!

--Eric O.


--Eric & Vanessa O.

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What I see as so great is you find the problem, but you only perform the most necessary repair, thinking of the customer need for economical repairs. You are a good man Eric O.


Thank you so much, Eric. For doing this video. I happen to replace the camshaft seal and the EGR gasket. Due to an oil leak. After I was done the car ran normally for 15-20 minutes. Then it began to have the same problems as that Civic you worked on in this video. So I pull out that, EGR Valve and clean it as you did. Afterward, the car started normally and did the same procedures as you did. By removing the FI-ECU fuse. The car started normally again. Took it around the neighborhood then it almost died again at the first two stop signs. Once I got home I turn it off and on several times. It started normally. By then It was already Midnight. Tomorrow I am going to drive it around the neighborhood again to see how it behaves. Anyway, once again thank you so much. I was lucky to find this video. It sure cut down my stress level by a ton.


Just started watching about 2 weeks ago.great videos .nice to see a family run business just doing right by the people. Can't stop watching I'm hooked.nice job.


Updated: Replaced my MAP sensor. That did it. Problem fixed.

Hello SMA and anyone with insight, I have a crank and no start issue. I saw your other video on the Civic that had a broken Timing Belt. My '05 Pilot doesn't make that noise when I crank.

It all started when I had a p0172 and p0458, no EGR codes. I checked and replaced my spark plugs, the EVAP solenoid valve (Honda OEM) and cranked, no start.

I checked my coils with a volt meter and they all have resistance. To eliminate an issue with ignition, I sprayed starter fluid in the Throttle and it wanted to start. So that led me to believe it was a fuel issue.

I checked all the fuses with a tester related to the ignition and fuel injection. They're ok. I even replaced them.

My fuel pump does come on. i checked my fuel pressure with a gauge, and I have 50psi. I did notice my fuel gauge on the cluster fluctuate as I crank so I'm not sure if it's the Fuel Pump Relay, the Fuel Pump itself or the EGR. It's kinda hard to work in thw cold and rain on the side walk. Wished I parked in my driveway car port...ty for any help.


Really saved me a trip to the mechanics, I can’t thank you enough, spent hours going thru everything, and boom I go on yt and stumbled upon this video!!! Saved my life!!


8 hours straight. Only car I worked on today was your car, mam. Total dedication.


G'day, Eric! I was looking for running a Peterbilt truck, and started watching, Road Trip: Wrecker Call! (but found, Another Day In The Shop (1 Hour Special) .... "Vanessa O. Takes Matters Into Her Own Hands")

How, I can't stop watching, really brightens my day, when I'm feeling down! It's so wonderful to see family run businesses! Just doing right by the people... What An Awesome Job!!

But, Mrs. O. is a scene stealer.

The big thanks goes out to Mr. & Mrs. O!! (The best!)

Cheers! :-)


Great answer "Not done with Mrs. O forever" 😆

I get in trouble for being that clever.


Thanks for this video Eric, it was literally the exact same thing that happened to my sisters car recently and I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure it out. I've been watching the your videos for a while but this old gem came to the rescue. Darn chunk of carbon in the egr!


I love mrs. O. Sorry, mr. O, but she brings the production quality up with her smile.


Ditto on the brake clean! I kept waiting with anticipated excitement to hear the brake clean music!


Dude, I'm MASSIVELY impressed! Love the Sherlock Holmes routine, and there's nothin' like an honest mechanic! Excellent video. Thank you for the knowledge!! (And inspiration)


Eric, hopefully your kids and/or nephew or niece will want to learn from you. Even if they don’t become mechanics, this is some valuable knowledge for anyone to have.


One cool thing is if someone thinks your cheating them.You can tell them go look on your YouTube channel and see what you did.Very cool.


I like the banter between you and your wife. don't lose it.


"We don't have any suckie we don't have any bangie" SMA 2017


Honda EGR valve lift sensor voltage should not exceed 1.25V at idle. Anything higher and the valve is considered stuck open. I had one a few years ago with a chunk of carbon like that. Doesn't happen too often, good work!


great call on EGR valve. Thanks for sharing your diagnostic process.Cheers


I love your interactions with your wife! made my day !


Dang it! I saw the title and got all excited you were working on your new Honda... eagerly awaiting the next chapter on it. :)
