Shane & Shane: Psalm 45

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Psalms 45 is one of our favorites from our new project, Psalms LIVE.


This song doesn’t get old. It’s timeless.


I stumbled on these guys' song, Is He worthy, through the algorithm. But this one hit me. I was in a season when I feel I'm just so disconnected with God. The song gave me a fresh hope. Glory to God


Most amazing harmony's I've ever heard. Our father is smiling down on these boys, for the love that pours out from them in the worship. By far the best out there in these the last days. Keep it up brothers. We need you.


His presence is so heavy in this song. Come Lord Jesus!🙌🙏


"Led in with joy and gladness, they enter the palace of the king(Psalms 45:15)"
From. South Korea


Psalm 45: The Glories of the Messiah and His Bride!!!

My heart burst at it's banks
Spilling with beauty and goodness
I pour it out as a song to my King
Shaping the rivers into words

What grace pours from your lips
The sound calls the midnight to morning
The melody turns my winter into spring
I echo it now in my worship (2)

Ten thousand strong
You're the fairest of all
Fairest in heaven and earth
Of the children of men
You're the fairest of them
Fairest in heaven and earth

Your heart burst at the seams
Flowing with blood and with water
A song of love pouring out from the tree singing
For the joy set before Me (2)

You ransomed your bride
On the day that you died
Ascended to heaven in glory
She stands clothed in white
With her head lifted high singing
"Come and return in Your glory"

You ransomed your bride
On the day that you died
Ascended to heaven in glory
We stand clothed in white
With our voice lifted high singing
"Come and return in Your glory"!!!


I am not sure how I am able to drive when this song comes on in my car! I just get lost in the pure worship that is this song!


Amen.. these guys have been such a blessing to me. Thank you God for using these guys as your vessels, such wonderful music. May God Bless you. Love from Zimbabwe 🙂♥️


My heart burst at it's banks
Spilling with beauty and goodness
I pour it out as a song to my King
Shaping the rivers into words

What grace pours from your lips
The sound calls the midnight to morning
The melody turns my winter into spring
I echo it now in my worship
I echo it now in my worship

Ten thousand strong
You're the fairest of all
Fairest in heaven and earth
Of the children of men
You're the fairest of them
Fairest in heaven and earth

Your heart burst at the seams
Flowing with blood and with water
A song of love pouring out from the tree singing
For the joy set before Me
For the joy set before Me

Ten thousand strong
You're the fairest of all
Fairest in heaven and earth
Of the children of men
You're the fairest of them
Fairest in heaven and earth

You ransomed your bride
On the day that you died
Ascended to heaven in glory
She stands clothed in white
With her head lifted high singing
"Come and return in Your glory"

You ransomed your bride
On the day that you died
Ascended to heaven in glory
We stand clothed in white
With our voice lifted high singing
"Come and return in Your glory"


Ten thousand strong
You're the fairest of all
Fairest in heaven and earth
Of the children of men
You're the fairest of them
Fairest in heaven and earth


"You ransomed your Bride on the day that You died, ascended to heaven in glory, She stands clothed in white with her head lifted high singing, come and return in Your glory!" What beautiful words, church that is what we need to do if we're not yet!


Have heard this so often on WGSS, where God still speaks) and today found the title thru Shazam app. The kind of love song to the King of Kings, tears just run down my cheeks…..


Fairest of all. Fairest in Heaven and Earth. Yes you are!


One of my favorites! We are his Bride!! The fairiest of all!


Just read this psalm, what a beautiful song!


❤️ PSALM 45(44)1

Weselna pieśń dla Pomazańca Bożego


1 Kierownikowi chóru. Na melodię: «Lilie...». Synów Koracha. Pieśń pouczająca. Pieśń miłosna.

2 Z mego serca tryska piękne słowo:

utwór mój głoszę dla króla;

mój język jest jak rylec biegłego pisarza.

3 Tyś najpiękniejszy z synów ludzkich2,

wdzięk rozlał się na twoich wargach:

przeto pobłogosławił tobie Bóg na wieki.

4 Bohaterze, przypasz do biodra swój miecz,

swą chlubę i ozdobę! 5 Szczęśliwie wstąp

na rydwan w obronie wiary, pokory i sprawiedliwości,

a prawica twoja niech ci wskaże wielkie czyny!3

6 Strzały twoje4 są ostre - ludy poddają się tobie -

[trafiają] w serce wrogów króla.

7 Tron Twój, o Boże, trwa wiecznie,

berło Twego królestwa - berło sprawiedliwe.

8 Miłujesz sprawiedliwość, wstrętna ci nieprawość,

dlatego Bóg, twój Bóg, namaścił ciebie

olejkiem radości5 hojniej niż równych ci losem;

9 wszystkie twoje szaty pachną mirrą, aloesem;

płynący z pałaców z kości słoniowej dźwięk lutni raduje ciebie.

10 Córki królewskie wychodzą ci na spotkanie6,

królowa w złocie z Ofiru stoi po twojej prawicy6.

11 Posłuchaj, córko, spójrz i nakłoń ucha,

zapomnij o twym narodzie, o domu twego ojca!7

12 Król pragnie twojej piękności:

on jest twym panem; oddaj mu pokłon!

13 I córa Tyru [nadchodzi] z darami;

możni narodów8 szukają twych względów.

14 Cała pełna chwały9 wchodzi córa królewska;

złotogłów jej odzieniem.

15 W szacie wzorzystej wiodą ją do króla;

za nią dziewice, jej druhny,

wprowadzają do ciebie10.

16 Przywodzą je z radością i z uniesieniem,

przyprowadzają do pałacu króla.

17 Niech twoi synowie zajmą miejsce twych ojców;

ustanów ich książętami po całej ziemi!

18 Przez wszystkie pokolenia upamiętnię twe imię;

dlatego po wiek wieków sławić cię będą narody11.


I just love all your songs. You guys are so good. This worship is so sweet. God has His ear turned to it for sure !


Thank you for ministering music that gives glory to the King the Lord Jesus Christ.


I love your music ..prayng Jesus!!!!Come to Curitiba ...Brazil


I concur “beautiful song for a beautiful King 👑 “ much love from South Africa 🇿🇦


Shane B, you are such a gifted songwriter
