Highway Code Changes | How to give way to pedestrians safely

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With the recent changes to the highway code I've had many comments on my videos about how dangerous it is going to be to give way to pedestrians. In this video I take the Tesla to Formby where I look at a few tips to reduce risk for all road users.

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Here in Sweden, pedestrians have had priority for many years now and I only have two issues with it:

1. Many pedestrians now TAKE priority. Meaning they go out in front of cars, busses, semi-trucks, often with the phone to their head and not even looking. Drivers of course need to give them priority, but one mistake here is unfortunately deadly.

2. So many kids have now grown up with the pedestrian priority and thinks that when they sit up on a bike, they got the same priority when crossing on a pedestrian crossings. They don't. Not unless they hop off their bike and walks across. This is unfortunately also deadly.


"It's part of our job as good drivers to deal with the other idiots." This deserves to be at the heart of any driving safety campaign. It might make a good bumper sticker too. 🙂


Love the explanations for these, however I think what myself and others are most worried about is other drivers on the road. I'm confident that I can adapt my own driving to follow these new rules but other drives wont and unfortunately that's going to cause accidents. For example stopping on roundabouts to let pedestrians cross, I can plan ahead slow in advance but that wont stop another driver either ploughing into the back of me or driving round me and potentially hitting the pedestrian. Hopefully people will change over the coming years but people are going to be injured or worse in the meantime.


I see this causing a lot of people to get rear ended especially if they stop on their exit of the roundabout to let someone across and the person joining behind them not expecting this and hit their rear. I also see a lot of road rage against the people who follow this rule with people behind them who are ignorant of the changes.


Thank you. I am recommending your channel for people on other vids. Such as Black Belt Barrister because you not only say what the new rules but also show and tell what a good driver should be doing. My wife says my driving has become smoother since I’ve watched your videos.


This sort of practical demonstration is so valuable. Thank you for your hard work Ashley and sharing your technical expertise. 🙏🏻👏🏻👍🏻


It's interesting that you've taken "At a junction you should give way to pedestrians..." to include roundabouts. I'd taken it to just mean regular junctions, as there is nothing else in the roundabout section (184-190) to say you should do this. It could be potentially dangerous to give way when there are multiple lanes on an approach to a roundabout as another vehicle could come past and not be seen be the pedestrian. It will also make it very interesting navigating Swindon's magic roundabout!!


I feel like when people go on one of them driving awareness courses they should just watch all your videos the level of detail and education is the best I have ever seen


There's one other scenario that no one else seems to have mentioned (except briefly by one person way down in the comments). As a pedestrian, I've waited for a line of cars to pass before crossing, and the last one in the line - with nothing at all behind them - has stopped and waved me across. There was absolutely no need for them to stop as I could have crossed more safely (arguably) once they'd driven past me. So I now stand well back from the crossing point until I see a big enough gap coming up. As a driver, I'll stop for that person waiting if there is traffic behind me, but not if I think they can cross more safely after I've gone.


16:45 “are cyclists going to nip round the inside? Yeah. Should they? No…”

Absolutely worth spelling out the message that we sometimes have to fix other people’s mistakes for them - watching out for that cyclist for example.

But also worth pointing out that it may not always be a mistake. Because if we assume it is, it can lead to misunderstanding.

In that instance, for example, you gave way to 2 pedestrians, the latter walking left to right. _If_ the cyclist had filtered to your left, he could* be in a position to pass safely (because he’s not causing the pedestrian to alter course/speed, and the pedestrian had cleared the cyclist’s route through) while you were still allowing the pedestrian to clear your course. He is also balancing his risk of being exposed as a vulnerable road user on the roundabout. Filtering through has inherent risks and additional considerations: how much can the cyclist see of the path ahead (eg a 3rd ped from either side); has the cyclist taken into account space between your left wing and the kerb if you start moving and arc left.

* or it could still be unsafe. This isn’t about saying the cyclist is perfectly entitled to filter come what may. But as you explained, he may do anyway; and it is worth considering that he has a different set of circumstances to consider, and we may not be able to assimilate those reasons. That’s why we should try to avoid casting blame as we drive.


Recently in a HGV turning left into a residential area ( only way to my drop ) . I stopped on the main road indicating left for a pedestrian to cross the junction I was going down . I noted in my drivers side mirror two cars behind moving out to go around me, I'd assume thinking I was stopping although I was close to the white line to make the turn. The pedestrian had noticed a car making it's way towards the junction from the side road and stopped in the road unsure of what to do. The car continued and therefore blocked my turn believing I was letting him / her out . I sounded my horn to warn the car not to come out and gestured stay there as the vehicles behind were now passing me into what was a potential collision situation. I waited until all had completed their respective manoeuvres and no harm was done.
The education needed was in all the car drivers in this example . The pedestrian read the situation throughout and kept themselves safe . I'm no angel just probably more aware of my vehicle size and the damage it could do.


I’ve been out cycling a few times since the new rules came into force and have definitely noticed a change. I’ve had many more giving way to me and passing with plenty of space or patiently waiting behind me on narrow country lanes until a suitable passing place is reached so I think the message is getting through. I have always slowed and pulled in when I’ve had a car behind me and reached a good passing place, just so it doesn’t put the driver under pressure to ensure they have a good gap on a narrow road. Just because I don’t have to doesn’t mean I won’t.

I am being very cautious at junctions. I have had a couple of occasions where I have been on a cycle path and come to a crossing at a junction or roundabout and cars have just gone through and probably not even noticed me even though I have a Hi-Viz jacket and flashing lights. No sense in laying squashed in the road and being in the right!


As mainly a pedestrian, I have had a mixed response locally, as when standing on a mid road refuge just off a roundabout exit and been given priority. Today, in a similar situation at an entrance to Sainsburys, a van just carried on.
It is early days so I am still treating each situation with caution as if before the change of Code.
Perhaps Ashley, you could walk around part of your route to notice any change in driver behaviour towards you and other pedestrians.


Hi Ashley,
Went out for a cycle ride on Sunday morning (7 am !). Not much traffic around, but the ones that passed me and my cycling chum passed at a good distance. One driver was impatient, went the right hand side of a keep left bollard so that he wasn't held up waiting for us to pass it!
We cycled 2 abreast (when I could keep up) on the less busy country roads and went single-file when there were vehicles ahead or behind us.
BTW I was taught to drive by my father back in 1972-73. He was a driving instructor in the army. He said that you should always give way to pedestrians.


The Highway Code distinguishes between junctions and roundabouts. In my opinion these new rules do not apply to roundabouts.


Thanks for this Ashley. I've started implementing the new rules in my driving but its shocking to see how many road users have yet to do so. With the scenario with the 4x4 and you turning left, I would have started making the turn, putting my bonnet into the entrance of the road to show intention but holding back to allow pedestrians to cross.


One thing that seems to be going over a lot of impatient motorists heads and this video really sums up well is just how infrequent and of little inconvenience to time these situations actually are!
Even when specifically out looking for said scenarios Ashley came across very few and had to resort to explaining what "could" happen in any particular place.
Location will obviously vary but for anyone that doesn't spend all day out on the road this is going to be a rare dealing!
The mass hysteria would have you believing you're going to have to stop and wait at every entrance and exit and it's just not the case.

If drivers looked further then the end of thier noses and maintained a safe following distance it wouldn't be as big of a concern as it seems to be!


19:40 My assessment would be to not give way and it would be down to people to find their own way across. As stopping on green lights is more likely to cause more confusion than not. If the intention is to have signalised crossings where cars give way, then it would have to be something akin to what I've seen in Barcelona with flashing yellow lights when you're turning left or right.


Got any clarification on roundabouts yet? as there is no mention of giving way at roundabouts in the HWC including the roundabouts section. BTW this isnt me trying to get out of giving way at them. Its just that I dont think they have fully clarified it yet. If we do have to give way it should be really clear in the roundabouts section.


Very Good. @ 10:09 onwards - the lady crossing the road (side road junction) - she still has the good sense to look over her shoulder to check for vehicles turning - and she does so a few steps before she reaches the kerb. That's how it should be done....pedestrians must NEVER assume and step out anyway (even if they do now have priority) - Drivers must must also do better at signalling too so pedestrians know the intention to turn as well. Turn signals are not just for cars behind you!
