7 Years - Amanda Tsigonias

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This is a song for my daughter, Hailey. We’ll be together soon! Mommy loves you!
7 Years - written and vocals by Amanda Tsigonias (2022)
Music from Uppbeat.
It’s been 7 years since I saw you
7 years since I held you
7 years since I heard your voice
7 years, but not by choice
I wonder how much you’ve grown
7 years, how the time has flown
I can’t wait ‘til we’re together
Things are about to get so much better
I’m never letting you out of my sight
We’ll be able to sleep at night
(7 years is too long)
It’s been 7 years since you left me
7 years since I saw you cry
7 years I’ve been praying
7 years have just passed on by
I wonder what you are like now
7 years, but it’s alright now
We can’t make up for the time we lost
But we can start over again, fingers crossed
I’m sorry that you had to go through that
But pretty soon you’ll be where I’m at
7 Years - written and vocals by Amanda Tsigonias (2022)
Music from Uppbeat.
It’s been 7 years since I saw you
7 years since I held you
7 years since I heard your voice
7 years, but not by choice
I wonder how much you’ve grown
7 years, how the time has flown
I can’t wait ‘til we’re together
Things are about to get so much better
I’m never letting you out of my sight
We’ll be able to sleep at night
(7 years is too long)
It’s been 7 years since you left me
7 years since I saw you cry
7 years I’ve been praying
7 years have just passed on by
I wonder what you are like now
7 years, but it’s alright now
We can’t make up for the time we lost
But we can start over again, fingers crossed
I’m sorry that you had to go through that
But pretty soon you’ll be where I’m at