DJI FLY APP | How to setup your Mavic Mini

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I show you how to setup the DJI FLY app for smooth cinematic footage on your Mavic Mini... Check it out.

These are in my opinion the best settings for the DJI Mavic Mini if you want smooth as butter Hollywood style shots.

If you have any questions about how to setup your DJI Mavic Mini or the DJI Fly app, post them below and I'll make sure I get back to you.

Luts and presets - COMING SOON!

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Just got the Mini today and this video is so help full thanks


Loving your vids so far man. I've found quite a few of them useful already and got them added to a playlist for review later. Ordered a Mini a few days ago and it should be here on the 12th. Soaking up all the info I can for cinematic shots, controls, tips and tricks. Keep it up man, you've got a new sub. o/


All I need now is some decent weather! 👍thanks great video!


WAR SAW :)))) Great t-shirt and cool video too.


Thanks for the tips I'm going to try some of these as soon as it warms up. Hit the like button 👍


Thanks alot! Very simple, yet effective!


very good vid.... helped me even though i been flying the mini for a setting etc so far has been all trials and errors. this helps alot..thanks


I love this thing. Had a M1P for a few years. The thing was unmarked (yep I'm that OCD), never even touched the ground ... hand everything. Then one day it got marked. I hit a tree in flat-out Sport mode, downwind in a 30km/h+ wind, so it and the tree met at about 80km/h+. There was not much left - of the M1P; the tree was fine but shaken and stirred. I was actually flying down over a rise out of VLOS, all sensors off (all sensors always off) and I forgot to lift it high enough before screaming home. Sad day. So ... bought an M2P. Hasselblad, 1" blah blah, how could I go wrong. But I did, so much so that I took it back to avoid a lifetime of buyer's remorse. I hated the images it gave me. Not even up to my M1P standard. I'll never know if it was dumbing down of the Ambarella, not a 'real' Hasselblad (whatever that means and who cares anyway), pixel binning/line skipping, I-got-a-bad-one, whatever ... I just hated it. So I was droneless (apart from a stack of totally manual ones like V959 which I love ... no cameras, just flying for the love of flying) for a while and happy. Then the Mini was announced. When the first images went up I thought "Could it be?" I loved every image and video I saw. I bought one. This thing is stunning. A tad sharp perhaps, but I like sharp (there's the OCD thing again). I'd rather fix too sharp than the opposite. Colour accuracy beautiful. Anyway, enough on the history. Loved your video, thanks. Things like the 2.7K 'limitation'? I couldn't have said it better than you ... kind of a shake of the head, hint of an eye roll and an implied "What do you expect to do with your footage, sell it to Spielberg?" Actually that might have been in your 23 Dec video. 2.7K @ 30 fps is nice, smooth. 60 in 1080 is great to have on the odd occasion it's needed. Lack of RAW? Refer to answer to "where's the 4K?". This thing looks like a toy, feels like a toy, performs like a pro. Sorry this is longer than planned. Again, loved the video; will be watching out for more.


Hi Phillip, nice video. Thanks for all the good tips and tricks. Did you try the App Drone Harmony with the Mavic Mini ? Regards from Chris


I love your videos man! Some really great tips. I want to get a drone but I can’t decide between the mini or the mini 2. What would you recommend is the best bang for my buck? The mini is $560 and the mini 2 is $700.


Very proffetional video and very helpful thx keep it up!


I was looking specifically for the question you did answer in this video about caching, wondering why I did not get smaller copies on my phone. Thanks!


Thanks dude for your comprehensive explanation 👍🙂


While flying the mini - can you change you move the gimble from horizontal to vertical. If so, how. Thanks. Nice video....


Great video, Can you pair the S8 G950F with DJI Mavic Mini ??


First when i came in the video, i thought it was Unbox Therapy lol.. you guys has the exact same background!


Enjoyed your video and learned a lot, my question is, every time I push the video record button on the top left rear the video records for about 15 seconds and stops. How do I prevent this? Thanks.


I have Dji mini SE - in Croatia you have to have a permit, in some parts of Croatia, but I'm still not sure if I'm allowed to fly over the capital, which is Zagreb.


Him: there's gonna be no bs
Me: I like that


Thanks man! Needed this for my cinematic filming, cheers buddy👊🇧🇻