What to Do When You Lose Your Language Learning Motivation?

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My name is Olly Richards, and on this channel I document my experiments in foreign language acquisition:

• Rapid language learning
• Writing Chinese characters
• Languages and travel...on location!
• Daily study routines
• Advanced level tactics

To see some of my previous experiments, why not try...

• Learn Thai in 14 Days:

• Learn To Write Chinese (Traditional Characters)

• Daily Study Routines and Schedules

If you're interested in becoming a better language learner, and discovering the secrets to learning languages quickly, be sure to check out my podcast:
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*I just turn on Netflix in a language that I can’t understand and grieve over it*


This man is so much supportive and i find his videos extremely helpful and inspiring, thank you i hope you will keep posting new stuff in your channel ;)


Good tips. I also log times where I've had a breakthrough or got off a plateau. When I feel I'm getting nowhere and that nothing's sinking in and it's become a bloody-minded slog, I remind myself of those times. That reassures me that if I just persist (and chill out) then it will get there.


Thanks Olly I appreciate it. I have been feeling demotivated for awhile and when I realized I wont always like my target language I was able to study it when I can admit I dont have to always like it.


I call it language guilt. The guilt that you feel for not continuing to study your languages. I was very motivated at the beginning of lockdown but have now given up all languages (about 6) all together. I always plateau at intermediate.
I think it’s important to have a big break and do other things then come back to it with fresh motivation.
Thing is, why do I really need all these languages? That’s the big question.
It seems like polyglots always promote the knowledge of multiple languages as a way to meet many people and discover cultures and literature and have new experiences, but I think this is more romanticism than anything else.
The times when I have actually needed a language other than English? I could count them on one hand, maybe even three fingers. Also, people want to speak English and most of the time trying to coerce the locals to speak to you in their language instead of English is like trying to wade upstream in a river, carrying a huge backpack and maybe some hunters shooting at you from the woods.
The truth is I love languages, and I love the process of learning and understanding them, I love the sounds of languages too, but for now I’m going to say goodbye to language guilt.


This is a wonderful reminder that we can just take the day or week off and to know it's normal to lose motivation :). A reminder on taking the foot off the gas is what I needed. Thanks


Thanks for this Olly. Great video. I'm going to sign up for Spanish Uncovered next month (after payday!). BTW your video will look smoother if you film at 24fps. Thanks for all the great content.


Great video Olly, thanks . It just doesn't matter. Take time out, you will appreciate the language when you return . I think having a target can be your worst enemy.


Thanks for being always such an inspiration 🙏🙏


Thanks!! This was very helpful. I have been in a slump lately with chinese.


A year ago I set myself a goal to learn Portuguese, I did one month of LingQ and read and heard really interesting audio magazines. It was great, and I feel like a learned so much. Actually, I can recall a lot of what I learned in those days.
However, after one month, I lost my motivation because I didn't see any use of my Portuguese. I didn't know anyone from Brazil to practice with nor did I have plans to travel any soon, so eventually I stopped my learning routine. How could I motivate myself to go back to it? I mean, I'd like to learn it, but I just can't see any use of it right now, and because of that I just put other priorities in my daily routine. Any advice on this?


Maybe part of the problem is these streaks and goals we all get sucked into keeping up - myself included. Just let them go. Also I just like to watch a half-hour youtube clip with some compelling input. Maybe a nice nature or travel doc. Just lose yourself in the content, it doesn't matter how much you understand.


hello Olly, when will the norwegian book become available on audible.ca?


There are two types of learners improve. In my country poor people work for money. They improve very fast. Because they really need money. Another one really like leaning itself. They don't need motivation. They learn foreign language like blush their teeth. If you need motivation, maybe you already have something more interesting.


Can you please improve the sound quality?


hello Olly, when will the norwegian book become available on audible.ca?
