Why St. John Paul II Added The Luminous Mysteries w/ Fr. Gregory Pine O.P.

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Fr. Pine tell us why he likes the Luminous Mysteries.

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I'm a new Catholic and I had no idea that the Luminous Mysteries were so new. They're some of my favorites.


The rosary is a meditation on the life of Jesus. St Dominic did say that we can meditate on any part of Jesus' life if we so choose.


Thank you for that clarification.. I hesitate to say this. Some forty years ago I was going through a really bad time . I had an apparition that was similarly described as the transfiguration whose light was so intense I could not look directly at it. A voice spoke, either externally or internally, saying why are you distressed, I am with you always. After my life turned around and I had a peace and calm Id never ever known before.


Very interesting and illuminating! (☺️) I’ve never heard that when Jesus was “lost” for three days in Jerusalem and then found by his parents, that was a foreshadow of the resurrection! I love learning things like this. The Bible is layer upon layer upon layer and so very captivating!


Fr. Pine, I am a Catechist for 6th graders preparing for Confirmation. Your explanation of the Sacraments with the hemorrhaging woman is so helpful. For me it builds a concrete mental connection between the physical and spiritual nature of the Sacraments. I made a note of it to use in my class this next year. Thank the Lord for your charism of study and ability to explain our faith.


I love how Matt pushes back!!! Keep doing that!! It’s helpful for all of our understanding! Thank you!


There's no reason for this to be controversial, it's a set of meditations for a devotion that itself developed over time. Pray them if you like. Or don't. We have a diversity of spiritual and prayer traditions for a reason.


Hearing these 10 minutes are probably the top of my month in relationship to go deep in the faith. Lots to meditate about. Eye opening. 🤯
God bless you Matt and Fr. Gregory 🙏🏻


How have I not realized or been told that child Jesus being lost for 3 days and found in the temple foreshadows his resurrection?!


According to a talk I listened to, I think by an FSSP priest, the addition/suggestion of the luminous mysteries caused a revival in the practice of the rosary for a ton of Catholics. Even if one doesn’t like the luminous, or feels it ‘ruins the symbolism’ I will ask: is it better to pray the rosary with the luminous, or not to pray it at all? Personally, I’ll do them sometimes as an extra


Our Catholic faith is incredibly rich. Try praying a full rosary including the luminous mysteries just once. It's not diabolical, its nothing to be alarmed about, its not even really a "change." It is an enriching experience. We should not be like the Pharisees and Sadducees.


Love the luminous mysteries! and Love Fr. Pines discussion about power proceeding out of Jesus. You all rock!


I only last year became catholic and started praying the Rosary. I prefer keeping it simple by praying the original 3 sets of mysteries, though this does give disproportionate attention to the Glorious Mysteries. All the mysteries of Christ save. He saves in His baptism and in his Resurrection. But think of all the mysteries we don't meditate on, even with the Luminous. Every little miracle and parable. I prefer narrowing it down to His Incarnation, Passion, Resurrection, and the other mysteries involved in the traditional way. After all, that's kinda what we do in Mass.


When I had my reversion and started praying the rosary I liked and prayed the Luminous mysteries because I could relate to them because of the sacraments, he showed me and gave bread to go deeper


First of all, my views are traditional. Hence, I normally stick with 15 Mysteries. However, JPII didn`t make it as part of the rosary but as an addition. Have to admit, the times I do pray it under grace from Holy Spirit it feels uplifting.


Nice to hear someone defend the luminous mysteries. I like them they are great ones to meditate on.


luminous completes the Gospels. Our Blessed Mother's gift to all of us to contemplate on every aspect of Lord's life, the greatest event in human history, when God was with us. Our Blessed Mother probably knew we Catholics are averse to reading the Gospels so here it is 'my children"


Just in case this video doesn't make it clear, PJII intended the Luminous Mysteries to be a devotional that uses the format of the Rosary. There are MANY such sets of prayers in our Catholic tradition. PJII never intended the Luminous Mysteries to be an official part of the Rosary, and indeed it is not.


God bless Fr. Gregory ability to teach.


To add: the Mysteries of Light were first formulated by St. George Preca of Malta in 1957, and different Saints before that time has also played around with the idea of Mysteries relating to the public life of Christ, most notably St. Louis de Montfort (1673-1716).

That being said, I only pray the traditional 15 Mysteries, and meditate on the public life of Christ by reading the Gospels regularly.
