What is the sin unto death ?

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Essential doctrines for soteriology

I. Jesus is God manifest in the flesh (hypostatic union) fully God, fully man. Ref: I Timothy 3:16​​​, John 1:1-3, I Timothy 2:5-6.

II. There is one God, who is three in personages (holy trinity). the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Ref: I John 5:7.

III. Salvation is by grace, through faith, and this in Christ alone (exclusive salvation). Ref: Ephesians 2:8-9, Acts 4:12​​​.

IV. Jesus made full atonement, and did propitiate for fallen mans sin. He did die, was buried, and rose again

the third day in resurrection power. Ref: John 19:30​​​, I Corinthians 15:3-4.

V. All mankind is fallen in Adam (dead in trespass and sin). Ref: Psalm 51:5, Romans 5:12​​​, I Corinthians 15:21​​​-22

VI. Jesus was born of a virgin. Ref: Isaiah 7:14​​​, Matthew 1:23​​​.

VII. Jesus was our sinless sin bearer. Ref: I John 3:5.

VIII. Salvation is eternal and secure. Ref: John 5:24​​​, Ephesians 1:13​​​-14, 4:30​​​, Titus 1:2.

IX. satan (bastard) is a real creature, and did cause the fall. Ref: Genesis 3:1-14, John 12:31​​​.

Essential doctrines for accord/unity/fellowship

X. The holy bible is preserved, and is God breathed (theopneust) all 66 books of the canon, and are infallible and inerrant. Ref: Psalm 12:6-7, II Timothy 3:16​​​-17.

NB: non-essential, but strongly needful is, in the English, the bible is preserved in the KJV.

XI. The holy canon (scriptures) is closed, nothing to be added, nothing to be taken. Ref: Hebrews 1:1-2, Revelation 22:18​​​-19.

XII. God created the world in six literal days. Ref: Genesis chapters 1-2.

XIII. Christians can not be possessed by devils. Ref: Isaiah 42:8, Colossians 1:13​​​, I John 4:4.

XIV. Heaven and hell are literal. Ref: Matthew 25:46​​​, Revelation 21:1-4.

XV. The damned are eternal, and in a literal lake of fire. Ref: Matthew 25:45​​​-46, Revelation 14:9-12.

Miscellaneous Doctrines for firm unity and Fellowship (non-essential)
XVI. Cessation/continuation of tongues.

XVII. Cessation/continuation of Apostolic gifts.

XVIII. Eschatology leanings.

XIX. Ecclesiology leanings.

XX. Angelology/demonology.

Pray note, this in regard to non-essentials and miscellaneous, is by no means exhaustive, but rather gives indication to the most held doctrines within Christendom.

May Christ most immutable be ever worshipped, glorified, proclaimed, and magnified.
Hebrews 13:8: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
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I'm glad you found this one, brother Wayne! I've been looking for it. Are you seeing what's going on in Israel? Wow! Our redemption is drawing nigh. Prayers; many prayers for you and yours! God bless!


Pray everything's going good for you brother Wayne and your family


Enjoyed this very much, thank you Kevin ! I think the rewards will be the souls that are saved because of us, and the punishments are the souls that won't make it in because we did not walk in the works prepared for us. Thats the only thing we can do for God, and He wants the GOSPEL spoken to everyone !! OSAS The only thing we can do to impress God is to speak the gospel to the lost. The grace gospel. He is not impressed by anything in the soul of a lost one BELIEVING on Him. Nothing else is a tangible crowns are only for the headcount at the end. If anyone falls into the fire because we could have saved them, but didnt, we will be ashamed. Sad at our failure. Thats the only whipping. Those that preach works gospels will have a higher headcount loss. OSAS Grace Gospel will give a higher # count to your "account". Its the NUMBER we save by preaching the true grace gospel. Get it ? Its the number of souls that we get saved. Only way to impress God. If you carry the works gospel around with you, you are destroying souls.
