T.A. Instruments TGA Q500 (5312C THERMAL)

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T.A. Instruments TGA Q500

• Maximum sample weight: 1g
• Weighing precision: +/- 0.01%
• Sensitivity: 0.1ug
• Sold as is

The T.A. Instruments Q500 thermogravimetric analyzer measures the amount and rate of weight change in a material, either as a function of increasing temperature, or isothermally as a function of time, in a controlled atmosphere. It can be used to characterize any material that exhibits a weight change and to detect phase changes due to decomposition, oxidation, or dehydration. This information helps the scientist or engineer identify the percent weight change and correlate chemical structure, processing, and end-use performance.

Please note that this unit is being sold as-is, with no testing or warranty.

For more information contact us at
American Instrument Exchange, Inc.
1023 Western Avenue
Haverhill, MA 01832
Phone: 978-521-2221
Fax: 978-521-8822

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