Python Crash Course: Code Math And Solve Equations Like A Pro

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This video introduces Python as a method of coding math problems. FREE resources available on my website. It is for complete beginners. You will need to download SPYDER (Scientific Python Development Environment) which is a free download form the link below:

Episode 3 Looks at How to plot multiple functions on the same graph and to include a legend, how to tell Python which variable you want to solve for in an equation with multiple unknowns, and finally how to solve multiple equations for multiple unknowns. Enjoy!

0:00 Intro
0:20 Solving the Quadratic Formula
3:26 Substituting Values into the Quadratic Equation
4:08 Solving multiple equations for multiple unknowns
7:24 Plotting Multiple Functions
10:07 Outro
Рекомендации по теме

0:00 Intro
0:20 Solving the Quadratic Formula
3:26 Substituting Values into the Quadratic Equation
4:08 Solving multiple equations for multiple unknowns
7:24 Plotting Multiple Functions
10:07 Outro


Did you mean to impersonate Boris Johnson with that blue line?
