Episode 2: The Curse of Game Theory (Escaping Calypso's Island Trailer)

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Thank you for a n eye opening great series! Look forward to the rest! ❤😊


GAME THEORY's MANY CONTEXTS: I first came upon 'Game Theory' referred from Dr. Thomas Szasz in 'the Myth of Mental Illness' & David Cooper in 'Psychiatry & Anti-psychiatry' as part of my work & study in Special Education for many decades. It will be interesting to see this counter-narrative elaborated to: Oligarch-led Genocide, Perpetual War in their unexamined belief monologue of Over-Population, Zero-Sum, NWO, PNAC etc. Fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') Oligarchs have been playing this people & biosphere destruction in failed empire after faired empire for 7000 years since Babylon.
To say, when we don't understand with who, how, why, when or where someone acts or doesn't act in a certain way, Game Theory in Psychology reverses the deficit assumptions of illness, handicap or ignorance to begin charting the rules people are following or the strengths, which they draw upon (even simultaneously with deficits). Humans are considered as rule-making, following or breaking, such as an Economic or Social Contract might dictate.
I had the opportunity with aphasic (non-speaking) folks labelled as severely Intellectually-Handicapped (everyone carries the brilliance of life within), which many staff were typifying as vegetables, to bring in Deaf Students, which excellent Gesture & Sign Language capacities to spend time with these folks. With familiarity from birth with Gestural Language, the Deaf Students began communicating with several folks & describing to staff the life & reason filled stories each resident had.
'Mathematics' from Greek 'manthanein' "to learn, " from PIE root *mendh- "to learn." is best understood as a qualitative, quantitative analysis, pertaining to human concerns. It's very easy such as in some renditions of Game Theory, to miss, underestimate or over-estimate the importance of multiple essential factors of the human equation.


Good effort

France is 212, 935 square miles


To view the RTF 7 documentary series in order, is the list available somewhere? I thought I saw it on Substack but can't seem to find it again.
