Chapter 3 | Solution to Problems | Torsion | Mechanics of Materials

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Problem 3.5: (a) For the 3-in.-diameter solid cylinder and loading shown, determine the maximum shearing stress. (b) Determine the inner diameter of the 4-in.-diameter hollow cylinder shown, for which the maximum stress is the same as in part a.

Problem 3.15: The allowable shearing stress is 15 ksi in the 1.5-in.-diameter steel rod AB and 8 ksi in the 1.8-in.-diameter brass rod BC. Neglecting the effect of stress concentrations, determine the largest torque T that can be applied at A.

Problem 3.25: The two solid shafts are connected by gears as shown and are made of a steel for which the allowable shearing stress is 7000 psi. Knowing the diameters of the two shafts are, respectively, dBC = 1.6 in. and dEF = 1.25 in. determine the largest torque TC that can be applied at C.

Problem 3.35: The electric motor exerts a 500 N.m-torque on the aluminum shaft ABCD when it is rotating at a constant speed. Knowing that G = 27 GPa and that the torques exerted on pulleys B and C are as shown, determine the angle of twist between (a) B and C, (b) B and D.

Problem 3.38: The aluminum rod AB (G = 27 GPa) is bonded to the brass rod BD (G = 39 GPa). Knowing that portion CD of the brass rod is hollow and has an inner diameter of 40 mm, determine the angle of twist at A.
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