Secret Weapons | Tracing Circles #91 Meris Enzo

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Oh man. Please wear headphones when you listen to this one. I think I stumbled onto something really magical about the Meris Enzo here. It’s the arp mode, an octave up, but functioning more as a delay behind the guitar than an proper arpeggiator because I keep switching between two note chords and single notes. But the magic comes in the form of dialing in juuuust enough portamento in the secondary features so that the notes just drift in the background, creating long, sad whale songs. If there were wales in space. And air for their songs to travel through. And, I guess if the whales had great stereo delays built in. I am losing the metaphor, here. The point is, I am in love with what Enzo can do. Expect a lot more like this in the future. It’s too special to do just once.
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