The Flash Season 4: We Have An Iris Writing Problem + Supergirl 3x03: Quick Commentary

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Barry Allen, Cisco Ramone, The Flash, Season 4, Iris West, Joe West, Wally West, Caitlin Snow, Killer Frost, Clifford DeVoe, The Mechanic, Samuroid, Speedforce, The Flash Rebirth

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This video contains information on:
The Flash Season 4
The Flash Season 4 Episode 2 "Mixed Signals" Review & Easter Eggs!!!
The Flash Season 4 Episode 2 Review & Easter Eggs!!!
The Flash 4x02 Review And Easter Eggs
The Flash 4x02 "Mixed Signals" Review and Easter Eggs
The Flash 4x03
The Flash 4x03 Promo
The Flash 4x04 Promo
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So this is my opinion on the whole Iris situation going on and all the hatred of the character. I think hatred is too much but I also believe criticism is pretty overdue after the writing for her character on the first two episodes. And while I might have issues with how the character is being written on Season 4, that has nothing to do with *Race, Color, Sex or Candice Patton herself or her performance or whether I am not a fan of Iris on the series or off the comics*. So make sure you read the fine print. There is a good reason why I am analyzing the WRITING and disagreeing with the general trend and reasons for anger against her.

So let me know what you think.

Also congratulation to Gun Barrel Kalashnikov for winning the giveaway, don't forgot to hit me up in a PM with your email here on YouTube.

And until my Flash and Legends of Tomorrow Reviews are up once the episodes air or a few hours after, have a good one.


WestAllen is gonna drive this show into the ground. I don't care for it all... Force feeding Iris into a role that makes no sense for her to be in immediately raises flags and turns me away. I don't want her in Star labs seeming smarter than everyone else, no. She should be in her natural field of journalism and reporting.


"The problem for me is the writing than the actress" That's EXACTLY what we've all been trying to say


It is really sad how they are writing her character because I really love Iris. They are ruining a perfectly good character there.


Personally, I’m a snowbarry fan but I have always loved Iris as a strong inspiring character for being a headstrong and confident journalist.Where was that last season and the first three episodes ??
She has no idea in science or tech but she can be a good source of information.I hate it how She says “We” when Joe and her went to CCPD.Only Joe can access the server, what did she do there ?sip on a cup of coffee watching her dad do the work ?I also find that she has become way more disrespectful and controlling over the last few episodes of s3 and she was SOO Disrepectful in that church scene in episode 3 S4

I honestly don’t see Barry and Iris have any chemistry ))apart from that I don’t like Iris one bit now, It’s not racism nor is it because I love Caitlin
It’s because of how much she has sunk as a character and how her attitude towards Barry has been, girl give him a Break, you don’t own him, he has a life to get back too.


The caracter development for Iris West was poorly made ( making them be like brother and sister for whatever amount of time is wierd and suddenly they are in love), she should have been introduced later with no relatable family of any kind, and made her more mature, that would make her more plausible. I agree with most of what the video said about the writing, she shoud be making her living as a jornalist, she has to make money some how, right? I would like to see more Joe, Cisko, Harry and Caitlin (stop with the double personality, that's just stupid, she shoud just be a one minded meta human). This late in the show they won't change their relationship (we are stuck with Iris and Barry), but the writing could improve.


I first saw signs of Iris being shit this season from when she shit on Barry for leaving her to go into the speed force and he "left her for no good reason" and "he didn't think about her"
I mean I get she's upset but BITCH he literally had no choice. Everyone was gonna die and she knows this


I really don't like where the show is going with Iris. Especially with last week's episode with Hazard. Iris was so disrespectful and greedy in that. Like a jumped up fangirl wanting her dream idol before something bad happens (again). I lost a lot of respect for her in that.


I am black and can say the character of Iris West sucks....with absolutely no racial bias. She is a blogger turned leader of Team Flash. Lois Lane can't lead the justice league. So Iris has no business being team leader or Boss. The show is called The Flash and not The Iris.


My biggest problem with Iris from day one was that she has always felt like the odd one out to me. I knew why Caitlin and Cisco were there. I knew why Joe was important. But Iris was just this person there to fulfill an obligatory role as love interest.


Thanks for the video. I hate to say it but Iris ran me away from the Flash. It started for me this season. The first episode where Cisco had to sneak around ehr back to get Barry back? WTF? She is the leader of what is left of Team Flash at the beginning? I know a lot of fans have never liked her and it seems the writers are trying to push her down viewers throats. Is she still a reporter? I want to like her because I love comic accurate relationships and they are basically the only ones (Green Arrow and Supergirl, looking at you) but the writers make it so hard. When she insisted her and Barry went to therapy and she blamed him for leaving her? He didn't want to go, he had to because the Speedforce storm was going to tear apart Central City. He didn't know that was going to happen and did what he had to do. The writers threw the abandoment issue for drama's sake and nothing else.

Arrow handled Felicity better than the Flash handled this. At least Felicity had skills that could help the team and was a founding memeber of the team. Ugh, I hate that they ruined the show for me with her. Oh well, there is always the Gifted.


Iris has killed the show for me and the bad writing. She servers no purpose, she shouldn't be running the team. She is taking away grom the goid characters. Its stupid the whole premise of her place. I hate her and I'm of multiple hues. And its f'n creepy to marry your sister. Its bothered me the whole time.


Also great video. I agree with you Candice is a good actress. The writing for her is going down the felicity road again.


I think the main problem of the flash with the main love interest is the same with all love interest the CW only knows how to do relationships in conflict because they are mainly a soap opera channel so they will write ways to cause conflict because conflict breeds debate which brings in viewers


Just want to say that I agree. I am a fan of Iris West of the show and comic. I believe Candice Patton is a superb actress and even have my own Flash and Irish West Fan Page. But making her the leader was a horrible decision on the part of the writers. Cisco would have been the logical choice. It seems like the rest of the team has been dumbed down including Joe West and The Flash himself to accommodate this ludicrous change. Iris has no scientific or technical aptitude and no leadership skills. That's not to say she is dumb. That's not what I'm implying. But the truth is she wrote a blog on the flash and worked at the newspaper. For an entire season they had her hanging around the lab asking questions, repeating what the others said and having aha moments. Believe me, I yelled as loud as everyone else for her development. But making her the leader made no sense. Felicity is annoying as hell to me but I can't argue because she has mad hacking skills. This Leader thing with Iris is so very forced and painful to watch since it's very obvious she doesn't belong there. I can see her helping out while Barry was gone. But he is back now and they need to get her out of there. The problem I have is with the writer's. They went from under developing her to OVER DOING HER. The writer's need do right by Iris. Get her out the lab before it's too late and back into the role in which she is intended and STRONGLY develop her there. They just threw her in there with the team. Which was lazy and it's not working. They also need to do right by the other characters, Team Flash has been put on standby. And that's just ludicrous. As much as I love Iris West/Candice Patton, I tune into see the Flash, not the Iris West Show with a little bit of Flash. I am black so I am not racist and I'm a female and I'm not biased toward Caitlin. Barry and Iris are my favorite characters. Season 4 Iris is WRITTEN poorly, cringeworthy and hard to like. Since the newspaper headline still says that she write's the 2024 headline, I'm hoping they will get her back to the newspaper soon.


Your right, it didn't make sense that iris had the science Solution. If she's going to be the boss of the team that's one thing, but she's not the scientist. It'd be like mad dog creating tech on arrow. Just out of character. Also super girl was good. Kinda political in a social justice way, but that's not a turn off when done sparringly. It is a comic show after all.


It's really frustrating to watch her go from innocent girl to badass to coward to shallow bitch to sjw to full blown Mary Sue and then all over again. It needs to stop.


When everyone didn’t have powers, and everyone wasn’t in on his secret, the show was better. Iris was never a well written character, she always was the weak link. Mostly because A—Barry being in love with his stepsister is weird, and B—she overtime has fallen into the orbit of fangirl to now bitch boss. Iris used to somewhat have her own identity, she had a fiance with whom she had better chemistry, Eddie, and a job. Barista. Then she became crazy fan girl with a blog. Things got better when she became a reporter. She had an identity and a life of her own.

But as soon as she finds out his identity things got worse, her life began to revolve around him, but in an obtrusive and obnoxious way. Becoming more shrill and rude and useless.

Also marginalizing Barry and Caitlin’s natural chemistry and her and Sisco’s natural intelligence and leadership skills in favor of Iris? When Iris stopped having her own life and was force fed into the team as a some neo feminist shill. All ruined.

Also, Flashpoint and giving them all powers. Horrible. If Caitlin was to be Killer Frost, let her be her, a villain.

We know, none of the core characters will die, the periphery characters, can, and Iris will be force fed down our throats in unrealistic ways, while foregoing a life of her own.

Oh and a bigger problem than Iris. The lying. They always lie to each other and never learn not to, all while claiming they love each other. People who lie all the time and claim to love each other there’s a word for that. Sociopaths.


I agree with you! This should have nothing to do with race.. doesn’t matter if her character was white, Asian, or whatever.. Iris is simply annoying! “We are the flash?” That’s such bull crap!! She didn’t mean it in a “we are together” way.. She meant it as in, I am a hero as much as you are and I’m now the leader of the team.. she forgets that Barry did everything he could to save her then sacrificed himself, but that doesn’t mean sh*t all, since he turned right when she said turn left or the other way around.. hahaha! So ridiculous.. she knows nothing about tech or biology yet she’s the leader? Why? Cause she wants to boss people around? She contributes NOTHING!! It’s just annoying for me and puts me off..


I haven't seen hatred towards the actor just the writing of the character. For me, I don't hate Iris like I do Felicity but more so annoyed at the idea that she was mad that he left and mad that he returned (in a way). I get not believing that he might not return, but as the main love interest, I don't get how the writing has Iris be that way compare to Cisco, Wally, Joe, and Catlin (who should have been still upset at Barry for causing her to become Killer Frost if anything). I actually miss her being a reporter because I recognize how useful that role for her was in the pervious seasons. Til this day I prefer Earth 2 Iris and WestAllen compare Earth 1.
