I was made for loving you

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I wrote this audio as I was thinking of my friends and how not all of them may stay in my life until the end but either way I'm grateful we met and I feel we were destined to. You never meet anybody without a reason.
Music by my super talented friend B:
I was made for loving you

I don't know for how long. Maybe just a year or two. Maybe more, maybe less, but I was made to love you right here, right now. The universe looked at us and said ''the two of you are going to meet at this point in time, because it's what you need.'' So here I am simply loving you.
Life happens in moments. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon. On our way some people water us but we move on, some walk with us for a while until they walk another way, and some stay with us until the end. But no matter what part you play, no matter how long you stay, I was made for loving you along the way.
Sometimes we get so caught up in our emotions, in our egos. Trauma we've experienced messes with our minds. We get hurt, we hurt eachother. Problems seem too big to manage. We get lost in our thoughts and overthink every yet so little thing. About you, about me, about us. Do I let go? Do I keep holding on?
We're only human.
But when I take a step back from everything all I see is you and your essence. Your heart. Your soul. Your pure intentions. When I take a step back it all makes more sense. We may not need eachother but we are exacty what we need. Life will never be problem free, over time we just trade our bigger problems for smaller ones. We live and we learn. Life will always come with pain but we choose to be built or just broken by it. And as I got to see you and experience you with all your flaws, as I got to know some of the the things that caused your wounds and scars, as I got to see the different sides of you, I looked at you and in my head I said ''Still I want to love you''.
With some people it just makes sense. Through the ups and downs, the rain and the sun, the day and the night, over mountain tops and through the valley. You're meant to stick together.
I don't know how long we have. If it's forever I'd love that, if it's not, I'll be grateful for the time I got with you. But no matter what I just know that I was made for loving you and that was already written in the stars long before we got here.
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The biggest shoutout goes out to my friend B who created the music behind this audio ❤️
You can show her some love on Instagram @ixtabb


I love hearing these words. I was having a hard day and I was having a massive depressive episode. To hear this makes me feel so much better


Me as soon as I heard her voice:
*soul melts, and I get chills*
Dang she's like a therapist 🥺🥺


man I haven’t heard your voice in years but every time I click on one of your videos it’s when I need it most. hello again :) I hope you’re doing well jay.


Bless you you have helped me a lot thank you for your heart


Tears streamed down my face instantly. I can’t get over my last girlfriend, i’ve been struggling for months now. The pain in my heart feels like it’s been broken into 1000 pieces. The feeling of loving someone who is not loving you back is the worst thing i’ve ever experienced. This just hits me right in the face but also made me happy at the same time. I’m so thankful for your art, u really help me out everytime ur uploading. Thank u so much


Your voice is so soothing and everything you say just hits home.Never stop doing what you do


This is just what I needed to hear thank you for sharing this Jetpack Jay I lost my husband on January 4th 2019 and my step daughter's on February 14th 2019 and my life has been hell since but I still have not and will never give up and I thank God everyday I wake up and get to see another day thanks again for this message much love sending positive and loving energy and vibes your way 💜💙💚💛💗💖💓❤💞💕


I love all of you videos, I fall asleep to them every night 🌃
Words can't explain how much better they make me feel. We need more people like you in this world <3 your my inspiration and I want to be just like you when I grow up. Tysm for posting all these videos every single person that watches ur videos need to hear them as much as you want to make them. Have a great day\night! ✨


I love this :) It's like a heartbreaking truth stuff you know and most the time you can relate to it, Brings the emotional out sometimes and yeah


Life happens in moments. It's a marathon. Some water us, some stay for a while and others stay forever. No matter how long you stay I was made for loving you on the way. You are essentially. We may not need each but we are exactly what we need.


your voice is so soothing and i love hearing these words. Hearing your audios helps with my depression, so thank you


I just came here because I wanted to say that your voice is the only voice that when I hear it say I love you. I believe it. So I just wanted to say thank you for that. I just hope this comment can make as big a difference to you when your going through a tough time as your videos did to me.


The music and your voice sound perfect together. Und du sprichst mir aus der Seele. Thank you so much!


I'd like to say jus one thing: Thank you!


Thankful for you Jay. You help me everyday.


I weren’t even 2 minutes in and I were already crying 🥺 This is amazing and thank you, thank you for caring about others, thank you for your videos, thank you for being you


I love when I hear you said there world . I had a hard and tough day till I hear you . Thank you for help me ❤️💖


Ich weiß nicht ob es witzig, traurig oder schön ist. Aber deine Videos helfen mir einfach besser als jede/jeder Therapeutin/Therapeut. Dankeschön.


I love your videos so much💙Thank you for making these
