Thrifting Tips & Tricks from a Lifetime Thrifter!

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You guys comment so much about thrifting on my channel that I thought it would be fun to bring in someone who has been thrifting on the reg for years!

She also has a personal blog / podcast you can check out here - this is the episode she had me on :)

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A thrifter for 40 years with a passion for statement jackets and coats, I find my best garments out of season. On a sweltering summer's day you will find me down in the darkest recesses of the store trying on winter coats. People donate out of season, so think about buying out of season. It's mid summer here and I'm busy filling some gaps in my winter wardrobe. Trend videos like yours are always a great way to think about updating my look. Head to toe vintage can be aging, however a vintage piece can be given new life in a trendy outfit. Getting dressed is such fun.


Pro tip from a friend lol, wear a tank top under your outfit so you can try stuff on in the aisle. It works! Great video, loved this ❤🎉


I’m retired and thrift on a regular basis. It seems that after a while, the quality items just stand out. You develop “an eye.” I can recognize the better brands from a mile away.


If you decide to thrift, make sure you eat before, it’s time consuming, you really have to look through everything, make a list if possible, make sure you pick things that you could style at least three ways, just a suggestion.


Yesterday I got a new, with tags, $ 98 Tommy Hilfiger purse for$ 9.99! I love thrifting, it's the thrill of the hunt!


I started thrift shopping a couple of years ago and wish I had started sooner. So many good things I have found ! J. Crew leather belts, cashmere sweaters, Merino wool sweaters, wool coats, quilts, granny square afgans, jeans, mink coat, brand new shoes and boots, art work. And I am in a small town with only one Value Village and one Salvation Army store. Don't forget going to garage sales during the warm months.


That’s my laundry sound too! And make sure to go with people who won’t drag you down. No one who hates shopping or is tired or hungry!


I love trifling! And find current trend items all the time. Also, no better way to find leather coats than trifting!


I have thrifted since I was a child. That’s all we could afford when I was young, but the habit stuck with me as I grew into an adult, even though I can actually afford to shop retail. I prefer saving a penny, finding unique items, and definitely NOT keeping up with the Jones’s….my house and wardrobe style are eclectic and “me”. The whole “save the environment” thought process helps me be more conscientious about my purchases too. ❤


At an estate sale, if they are selling the house, you can ask if they will sell garden benches, sculptures and outside ornaments, and decorative rocks, not just the inside stuff!


She is right about the jewelery.
My son used to work at a tfhrift store and he said that they almost never get real gold or silver. And if they do, they don’t sell it at the store but instead they sell it some where else where they get more money for it.


I started thrifting pretty heavily about two years ago. Found a great way to find vintage pieces and clothing from other countries to add in with my own designs, and store-bought clothing. Actually even started my own Poshmark about nine months ago. So much fun! I recommend going to the new racks first. Those are the racks that have not been picked over yet. They might be a little bit more expensive, but I have found some amazing brands. Also, I have a fashion degree, and know how clothing is manufactured. It’s always best to wash clothing beforehand anyway. I have bought several secondhand shoes. I definitely don’t buy thrashed ones. There are deodorizing and cleaning sprays that help with any kind of issues that could arise. The amount of hands that touch a new garment or pair of shoes and chemicals is vast. Some of the brands I found, pristine Chanel tennis shoes, Gucci tennis shoes, Louis Vuitton brand new 2000’s Murikami bag, Louis Vuitton new tennis shoes, Veronica Beard, Dolce & Gabbana shirts, so much Lululemon, Vuori, Viktor & Rolf Denim Jacket, St. John belt, and so much from Aritzia, & Other Stories & Anthropologie. I actually have a BOLO list of different types of clothing brands I want to find. I’ve checked off so many luxury brands. Don’t want to get too lengthy with my comment. It’s been a blast. Love finding treasures for myself and others. They are all in excellent condition. I do live in Los Angeles, so it’s quite easy to find these pieces at many different places. Also, they normally will have a dollar day or two dollar day at your local Goodwill. Also, if you donate, they hand out 15% off coupons that you can use towards your own purchase. Thank you for making this video. Thrifting definitely helps with the toll clothing manufacturing takes on the planet. Today, in fact, fashion accounts for up to 10% of global carbon dioxide output—more than international flights and shipping combined, according to the United Nations Environment Programme. Thanks Anna!


Thrifting is like a sport! You are either a digger or not. You can Lysol out your shoes . Also, know your size in men’s. I’ve scored tweed and leather coats in men’s department


She said: "it's not like running in and out of Target." and I thought "do people run in and out of Target?!"


I always bring a list of items I'm needing to fill holes in my wardrobe. It definitely helps. Evening wear, gowns, cocktail dresses are always a great deal at thrift stores.


I found the best gold earrings for $2 at a local charity shop. They are amazing! You never know what you can find. Loved this video!❤


Wow perfect timing. I never thrift (granted I hardly ever shop) but wanted to start for environmental reasons


I totally agree with giving yourself time, however, I don't go with a plan nor have anything specific in mind. I have found so much in my 40 years of thrifting it's unreal. Everything you can think of, I have thrifted or consigned. I also go alone.😁


Great information, Anna, in your video and in the comments. I've purchased leather jackets and found my favorite brand and style of jeans on online thrift sites. I plan on doing more thrfting this year, especially for classic, tailored clothes and accessories and going for higher quality because I recently realized that I keep and wear my clothes for a very long time. I will start watching Erica and do a big cleanout this year and filling in my wardrobe with higher quality items as needed. Thanks! XXOO ❤️ ❤️


A week ago I found a long sleeve Ralph Lauren tee-shirt, a long sleeve L.L. Bean tee-shirt, and a Talbots long sleeve shirt that is red plaid with jean material on the cuffs and collar at a thrift store. Each of them were $2.50 a piece, 100% cotton, and in excellent condition. As you run your hand over the material on the hangers, you will get to recognize quality when you feel it. Thank you for shining light on this topic Anna, it is so important for the environment as well as being "thrifty".
