I’m a Zimbabwean living in the US, and I can’t begin to describe the levels of cringe that I felt listening to my fellow countryman...I’d happily buy him a one-way ticket back home. His memory is in dire need of some refreshing
“If you are not informed, then the most patriotic thing you can do on election day is stay home.” - Thomas Sowell
The fact that our education system is so bad is not an accident.
Agreed Ben! Ignorance is our country’s problem these days.
The worst thing is is that they aren't just misinformed, they are extremely confident in what they are saying
I was born and raised in the USSR and I can tell all those young and healthy people in NY: socialism does not work. You should value what you've been given by your ancestors for free. You did not fight for what you've got.
P.S. 2022.03.09, sitting in a bomb shelter in Ukraine. Guys, you don't know shit what real hardships of life are.
Recently at work someone started going off about how rich people could pay more taxes
And I was like -why isn’t the solution for the government to stop spending so much?
This is embarrassing. We should collectively be humiliated by the kind of ignorance we have roaming our streets.
Let’s congratulate the dude who had the humility to say “ I have to study up on this.” That’s rare.
Humans are so hard to keep happy....you give them gold and they complain how heavy it is.
Coming from a gen Z:
If you aren't willing to work hard enough to be come rich, then you cannot say the capitalism doesn't work.
FAIR SHARE = Everyone pays the same percentage! Pays the same ACROSS the board. Those that are crying, not fair, have no idea about what real taxes are.
"look at our country it doesn't work" as a non American, that made me laugh, she has no idea how good she has it there.
Maybe we should stop worrying about how much WE are paying, and focus more on how much the government is spending....
Economics and Civics used to be required classes in my high school. They should be required classes at the college level too. Our schools are too commonly focusing more on perceived “truths” rather than teaching historical, practical, and verifiable facts. Of course, most of the elites in this country seem to prefer a dumbed-down and easily malleable and controllable working class.
Really appreciate people like Ari who are shaking people's perceptions one exchange at a time.
It blows my mind that people who know nothing about an issue can have such strong opinions and think that they are correct in assumptions they take as fact.
As a dude in Zimbabwe I would like to apologize for mans there 😂😂. We do not all think like that.
"Capitalism is the devil" - they tweet on their iPhones while sipping a Starbucks.
Only someone who’s never paid or done their own taxes could be this deluded. I figured this out at the age of 16 when I first filed taxes because I had to look up my own bracket - it was immediately obvious that the percentage increases the higher your income goes.