What If the Borg Were Not Stupid in Star Trek Picard - Alternate Ending

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"Spikes are scary so add spikes to the cube" - Picard writers


Hah, if only.
You could make a: "What if Terry Matalas wasn't a hack" mini episode and just show The Inner Light :D


If the Borg Queen wanted to gloat, she could have just waited an hour until after her fleet destroys earth. Then she could invite Picard in and be protected by all her new drones.

In fact, she could have had a a few of the assimilated ships go to the Cube to protect her. She didn't need the entire fleet of Starfleet ships to destroy earth. Why not send 10 or 20 ships to the Cube to protect it?


Galactic Empire in A New Hope: Let's build a shaft that leads directly to the reactor.
Galactic Empire in Return of the Jedi: Let's do it again, but this time make the shaft Millenum Falcon sized.
Borg in Star Trek Picard: That's a brilliant idea, but let's make the shaft Enterpise-D sized.


In DS9 the Defiant destroyed the atmosphere of a planet with 2 special torpedoes while its systems were disabled.
In DS9 a changeling nearly succeeded in destroying the Bajoran system with a rigged shuttle.
In the Generations movie a crazy scientist did it basically on its own to multiple systems with a missile.
I mean the whole story behind the changelings needing the Borgs somehow to take revenge or even taking orders from them is a stupid story.
Is it even possible to write an intelligent story in the Star Trek Universe after all the time travel and WMD stuff that makes any sense?


In all honesty I REALLY wanted the plot twist to be that the borg queen picard finds broken, warped and twisted was elder janeway from the alternate voyager future. We never actually saw her die, she was assimilated, she was the one who created the virus that killed all the borg, and she would have had both the skill, knowledge and future tech to make all of this possible. Plus it would have explained away all of season two as we already had a picard faces his demons with the queen. This would have made it star fleet facing its demons as being genociders, against both the borg and the changelings. it would have sewn up a lot of the lose ends.


She had the high ground when Picard was entering the Hive mind .. ya know, as the living embodiment of the hive mind. 😂 But not even the Borg queen is so rude to interupt a nice chat between father and son!


They look so desperate, all crammed together on the bridge like a greatest hits album.


When the Enterprise was shown as being tiny compared to the spikes, I was expecting a "PEW" sound as the ship gets vaporised in a second. Something that was probably possible. But no, the borg instead decides to lower its shields knowing there's a galaxy-class sized hole in the side of their ship leading to its vulnerable core (and the away team).


The Borg are like Xenomorphs from Aliens. Once mysterious and terrifying but overexposure and poor writing ruined them.


What I don't like, is that they take away from the Borg. When the Enterprise first encountered the Borg, they were scary. Nothing the crew did or could do was going to save them. Now they can take out the Borg without a problem.


I mean, villains being undone by their own arrogance is a pretty basic story telling convention.
Garak famously mocked Shakespeare for making Caesar an idiot for not seeing the betrayal coming, and then it happened to his mentor, Enabran Tain.


"You broke your little ships."


The Borg are highly adapatable with multiple redundancies...yet continue to think humans aren't really a threat to their single points of failure.


One of the many reasons I don't consider ST Picard canon. Even season 3.


Also, what the hell happened to the alternate borg queen Agnes they just had in the end of the previous season that was supposed to make a less oppressive borg? Who was guarding some gate? Because they changed the time line, WTF happened to all of that? That wasn't even mentioned in Season 3.


Can’t expect intelligence from these writers now can you?


Riker: what is this?

Picard: it’s… a way to get us onto the Borg cube.


Mr Data, did you ever play MS Flight Sim as a boy?

Worf: I did not play with boys.


Speaking of that scene with the super-cube dwarfing the Ent-D, according to the computer display in the episode, that cube is apparently only 3 km in length, exactly the size of the classical type. No way it's only 3x3x3 km, especially when the Ent-D flies inside the cube, somehow not only it can fly in a straight line for long periods of time, based on that maze display, the ship must have turned corners every single second, and yet it doesn't. Keep in mind that the Ent-D is only like 300 m long. And on screen, it's smaller than 1/10 of the cube's side length, I'd say it's more of 1/30th. This is the Discovery S3 Tardis interior all over again.


Again, First Contact ruined The Borg. They went from this completely alien race and turned into villain of the week Daleks.
