
INSAINE!!!! TUBA!!! OCTAVES!!! Devon Taylor TUBARED Sousaphone

Замечательный тубист

Riesen Monster Tuba Bohland & Fuchs, Test bei Amati, Giant Tuba in Amati Company Graslitz Kaisertuba

Вот это тубист

Happy Birthday Cimbasso Tuba Taylor

Мартин - тубист)))

я музыкант -Тубист

Adams Tuba - 4/4 vs. 6/4 Tuba - Soundcheck of the gigants - two of the best Tubas at the market!

Wessex Tubas TB693 6/4 BBb (prototype) play tested by Gene Pokorny

С.С.Прокофьев и тубисты, к 130-летию автора

Woody McClain (Cane) from Power playing with his old college Tuba Section 🐳🐳

Tuba Christmas rehearsal video

Pedal C with a long fifth valve slide and all five valves down! #tuba


Tuba solo 🤯 #shorts

Así suena la tuba mas grande del mundo.

Ben Vasko - Tuba Solo

#tuba #тубист #melancolie #sofiarotaru #orchestracover #trombone #trumpet #retromusic #band #brass