
#forgottenfolks the story of Diotrephes #shorts

3 John 1: 9- 12 Diotrephes and Demetrius

Diotrephes Or Demetrius

Men like Diotrephes

The Story of Diotrephes #shorts #bible


How to Pronounce Diotrephes (Real Life Examples!)

Bible | 3 John 1:9 | I wrote to the church but Diot...

Controlling the Church The Diotrephes Dilemma Revealed

Gajus, Diótrefes en Demétrius - Past Ernest Potgieter 02/06/2024

Understanding Diotrephes' Leadership Failures


Wie of wat is Diòtrefes in 3 Johannes 1:9?

Você conhece o perigo de líderes como Diótrefes dentro da igreja?

Gaius, Diotrephes, Demetrius: Living Generously as a Church (3 John v.5-12 NKJV)

LA OPOSICIÓN DE DIOTREFES. 3 SAN JUAN 1;9-10. #jesus #fe #diosesjusto

Diotrephes and Demetrius (III John‬ ‭1:9-12‬‬)

3 Juan 1✅️

3 Juan 1 Vive en la verdad, no seas como Diótrefes. #Rpsp #PrimeroDios

What is 3rd John about? #bible #truth #3john

How To Pronounce Bible Names: The Bible Word of the Day - Diotrephes

Dealing With Diotrephes, 3 John 9-15, With Pastor Joe Guynes

3 Juan:9-12 Yo he escrito a la iglesia; pero Diótrefes, al cual le gusta tener