
3 questions with the Zstandard open source team at Meta

Impact of zstd


gzip file compression in 100 Seconds

Z-Scores, Standardization, and the Standard Normal Distribution (5.3)

ZSTD Compression by Allan Jude

The Rise of ZStandard: Apache Spark/Parquet/ORC/Avro

5mins of Postgres E21: Server-side backup compression with LZ4 and Zstandard in Postgres 15

Normal Distribution: Calculating Probabilities/Areas (z-table)

ArcoLinux : 1284 Now using Zstandard instead of xz for package compression

pip zstandard

NetWitness Platform v12.3 - Zstandard Compression

PWT 007 zStandard

Calculating Standard Normal Probabilities in Excel

TrueDepth (iPhone) + Zstandard + WebRTC + three.js

Standard Normal Distribution Tables, Z Scores, Probability & Empirical Rule - Stats

Olasoji, Akash, & Sarthak - Enhancing OpenSearch Performance Through ZStandard Compression

Zstd (Zstandard): новый стандарт сжатия текста. Полный тест

Zoom: ZBox and ZStandard

Finding Percentiles Using the Standard Normal Table (for tables that give the area between 0 and z)

Normal Distribution: Find Probabilities Given Z-scores Using Table (Left of Z-score)