WJTV 12 News to host “Mississippi Town Hall: The Road to Normal”
Jackson couple claims they lost car due to road damage
Mississippi Lottery Corporation announces partnership with WJTV 12 News
WJTV News at 6PM - Lead election coverage
Poor People's Campaign Speaks Out on Water Crisis | WJTV Jackson, MS
WJTV 12 sits down with Georgia Brown to talk about an upcoming event
WJTV 12 at 630 AM A BLOCK - Saturday
WJTV 12’s Melanie Christopher & Gerald Harris draw names to determine debate logistics
WJTV 12 News hosts Hinds County Sheriff Debate Pt. 2
WJTV News at 6AM
WJTV News at Noon
WJTV News at 5PM
WJTV and American Red Cross host Week of Giving for Mississippi tornado victims
WJTV and American Red Cross host Week of Giving for Mississippi tornado victims
WJTV News at 6PM - Sec. Hosemann speaks on JPD road blocks
WJTV 10152016 10pm Woofstock 2016
WJTV News at Noon - Help Me Grow
WJTV and American Red Cross host Week of Giving for Mississippi tornado victims
WJTV News at 5PM - One Last Push for Votes
WJTV 12 - 'Melanie Answers' 2016
Walt Grayson welcome to WJTV
WJTV and American Red Cross host Week of Giving for Mississippi tornado victims
WJTV 12 News teams up with Red Cross for Week of Giving
WJTV May Sweeps 'Mississippi Spice' :15