
USENIX Security '18-Q: Why Do Keynote Speakers Keep Suggesting That Improving Security Is Possible?

USENIX Security '17 - REM: Resource-Efficient Mining for Blockchains

USENIX Security '22 - How and Why People Use Virtual Private Networks

USENIX Security '23 - How the Great Firewall of China Detects and Blocks Fully Encrypted Traffic

Why Attend USENIX Conferences?

USENIX Security '22 - Automated Detection of Automated Traffic

USENIX Security '20 - Sunrise to Sunset: Analyzing the End-to-end Life Cycle and Effectiveness...

USENIX Security '19 - Discovering and Understanding the Security Hazards in the

USENIX Security '20 - Who's Calling? Characterizing Robocalls through Audio and Metadata Analysis

USENIX Security '19 - Protecting Cloud Virtual Machines from Hypervisor and Host Operating

USENIX Security '19 - 50 Ways to Leak Your Data: An Exploration of Apps'

USENIX Security '19 - Leaky Images: Targeted Privacy Attacks in the Web

USENIX ATC '21/OSDI '21 Joint Keynote Address-It's Time for Operating Systems to Rediscover Hardware

USENIX Security '21 - Incrementally Updateable Honey Password Vaults

USENIX Security '19 - The KNOB is Broken: Exploiting Low Entropy in the Encryption Key

USENIX Security '22 - Zero-Knowledge Middleboxes

USENIX Security '22 - Characterizing the Security of Github CI Workflows

USENIX Security '22 - Watching the watchers: bias and vulnerability in remote proctoring software

USENIX Enigma 2016 - NSA TAO Chief on Disrupting Nation State Hackers

USENIX Security '22 - TheHuzz: Instruction Fuzzing of Processors Using Golden-Reference Models for

USENIX Security '22 - Automated Side Channel Analysis of Media Software with Manifold Learning

USENIX Security '22 - Creating a Secure Underlay for the Internet

SREcon24 Americas - 'Logs Told Us It Was Kernel – It Wasn't'

USENIX Security '19 - Terminal Brain Damage: Exposing the Graceless Degradation in Deep