
Greek PM Tsipras announces his resignation

President Trump Holds a Joint Press Conference with Prime Minister Tsipras

Greece’s Tsipras Urges Defiant `No` Vote in Referendum

A second chance for Greece's Alexis Tsipras

Greek political crisis: PM Tsipras resigns and calls early elections

Alexis Tsipras, el héroe caído

Did Alexis Tsipras Push Out Yanis Varoufakis Post Referendum?

Secretary Kerry Meets with Greek Prime Minister Tsipras

La sfida di Tsipras: 'Vogliamo governare per la prima volta la Grecia, senza la Troika'

PM Netanyahu Meets Greek PM Tsipras

Alexis Tsipras Resigns, What's Next for Greece?

Leftist Tsipras sworn in as new Greek prime minister

Alexis Tsipras: We're at Center of Storm, Whirlpool

Alexis Tsipras, a 'tactical ally of Marine Le Pen' in European politics?

Alexis Tsipras / English Spoken / Marche nationale contre l'austérité

Tsipras casts referendum ballot

Tsipras Signals Readiness to End Standoff

Greek election gamble pays off for Tsipras

The Financial Odyssey of Greece and Alexis Tsipras

Inside Tsipras' Head...

Juncker and Tsipras hold hands in Brussels

Tsipras's Greece Challenges: What's Ahead?

Remarks: Donald Trump Welcomes Alexis Tsipras of Greece - October 17, 2017

Tsipras blames neo-liberal policies & EU's 'democratic deficit' for rise of far-right